Tag Archives: college internship

Mom-Approved Tips: Internship Available



I was forwarded an opportunity from my son-in-law who works for an aerospace engineering company in Dallas that has a summer internship available. The application process starts now. I want to pass it along to parents of college students who are majoring in engineering or engineering related fields. It’s a great company and an amazing opportunity for any college students. And, you don’t have to live in the Dallas area to apply.

Here’s the details–pass it along to friends, family, colleagues and anyone you might know that would be interested in an internship this summer. If your students applies, post a comment below and I will give you a referral name to use; and I will pass your student’s name along to my son-in-law.

The 2015 Summer Intern application is now open.  If you have a referral, please have them apply online and let Jeanne and I know that they have applied.

Here’s the link to apply:


L-3 Mustang’s 2015 Summer Intern Program begins mid May 2015 and runs through August (approximately).  Our intern program is for Engineering students entering their junior or senior year and typically majoring in Electrical, Mechanical, Computer, Software, Industrial, Aerospace, Mathematics or Science.

·       All candidates should APPLY ONLINE Application Deadline – January 31, 2015

·       All candidates should provide a RESUME with your current GPA and expected graduation date

·       All candidates should provide an unofficial TRANSCRIPT for review if contacted for an interview

·       Interviews are generally conducted in the January – February timeframe.

·       Due to the nature of our business we require U.S. Citizenship.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

College without internships…

…is like cereal without milk, chocolate without peanut butter, and the perfect dress without the perfect shoes!

Seriously though, with all the competition in college for jobs after graduation, you can’t afford to ignore the importance of an internship. We are also recognizing the fact that an internship in high school might be the perfect springboard to help your student pick a major, a college, and eventually a career.

Matthew Zinman, creator of Internship Success, a program created to help students make the most of their internships and provide employers with prepared interns, is offering my readers (and friends) first dibs on a federal grant subsidy. The grant provides a $100 credit toward’s Matthew’s online Career Preparation Certification (CPC) and professional skills training course at InternshipSuccess.com.

The grant provides for 250 registrants to reduce the course fee by more than half. So I invite you (and others you may let know) to use one or more of these credits now available for both the individual and group registration (use “DOLgrant” in the course credit code): http://www.internshipsuccess.com/Register.aspx

Those who take advantage will find this step-by-step course to be very comprehensive. It has three hours of self-paced instruction and 70+ supplemental career-support downloads for students and other job-seekers to get the right internship, gain the most meaningful experience and perform at their best to EARN employment.

In short, this is what isn’t learned in class.

Matthew reminds us, “A college degree is no longer sufficient for graduates to access the current job market. I’ve made it my life’s work to make internships matter and afford those every opportunity to succeed because I firmly believe there is no substitute for experience.”

If you have a student in college, know a college student, or are an employer who uses interns, take advantage of this AMAZING OFFER.