Tag Archives: college planning

Back to School: Time to get Organized

back to schoolSchool has begun for most of the country and parents are getting back in the routine: morning breakfasts, packing lunches, dropping off at school, chauffeuring their kids for after-school activities, and attending teacher conferences and  PTA meetings in the evening.  Believe it or not, I miss those days. But what I don’t miss is all the chaos. And with teenagers, there is always chaos.

The only way to survive that chaos is to formulate an organization plan. Start by making a resolution to streamline the paperwork the minute it comes home: student guidelines, school manuals, meeting announcements, homework assignments, and any papers that require a parent signature.

There are several “landing” places that we all use: the kitchen table, our teen’s bedroom floor, our kids backpacks, and somewhere  in our car.  These all cause us much heartache later as we scramble around at 7:30 am for the required permission slip  as we are running out the door.

Resolve NOW to have a place for every school related piece of paper that makes its way into your home.

  1. Create a simple filing system using a crate, a box, or file cabinet with school related tabs and folders.
  2. Get yourself a large write on calendar for school activities.
  3. Set up a special “landing” place with a magnet board or bulletin board to keep the papers requiring parent signatures visible.
  4. Encourage your teen to participate in the process by emptying their backpack every afternoon of all important papers.

Before you know it they will be receiving notices of college fairs, booklets with SAT/ACT information, announcements from counselors about scholarship opportunities, and notices of college information nights at PTA meetings. Starting the process early when school begins will get you moving in a positive direction and prevent chaos in the mornings as you walk out the door.

And remember: Preparation Prevents Panic!

Saving for College

529-college-savings-plansSo many parents ask me the best way to save for college. Since every family is different, and their financial situation is unique it’s difficult to give a generic answer. But one thing is certain: saving will reduce your financial burden when your teen enters college. And as a responsible parent, you should plan for this expense, just like you plan for retirement.

Many experts agree these are the two best ways to save:

An Education Savings Account or Education IRA–This allows you to save $2,000 (after tax) per year, per child. Plus, this grows tax free! If you start when your child is born and save $2,000 a year for 18 years, you would only invest $36,000. However, at 12% growth, your child could have $126,000 for college!

A 529 College Savings Plan–Look for a 529 plan that allows YOU to control what funds are in the account. Do not choose a 529 plan that freezes your options or automatically changes your investments based on the age of your child.

Both of these options offer tax savings.

If you want to see how much you should begin saving, use this easy College Costs Calculator. But, be prepared for college sticker shock. Looking at it on paper can be quite sobering.

Here are two great sites that will help educate you and your family about saving for college.



Spend some time reading all the information because all the answers can be found on these two sites. Once you know the facts about college savings you will be able to make an informed decision.

It’s never too late to start saving. And remember…Preparation Prevents Panic!

MoreThanGrades–A great resource for Parents and Teens


When you’re a parent of a college-bound teen, you’re always looking for resources to help both you and your teen navigate the college maze. I’m always excited with a new resource comes online and I want to share it with other parents. MoreThanGrades.com is a web-based platform for students to create customized profiles for review by college admissions officers.

According to Ed Carpenter, the CMO of More Than Grades:

Students (and parents) can utilize the site in a variety of ways. We have an interactive college search feature that allows students to get the information they need. We also have the ability for students to find non-published scholarships that colleges offer using the same search engine.

Colleges can search for students using their search function, which allows them to seek out individuals with specific criteria listed in a student’s profile.

Our guidance tab allows students to ask individualized questions and get responses from our guidance and college representatives.

Spend some time at  MoreThanGrades and you will find this is an innovative approach to helping your teen create an online profile. The site gives college admissions officers the opportunity to learn more than the obvious application information about your teen.

Parents of High School Freshmen: It's time to view your course options

high-school-courses-thumb7673077The U.S. Department of Education has compiled a list of courses for the college-bound student that is recommended by higher education associations and guidance counselors. These courses are specifically recommended for students that want to attend a four-year college. Even if your teen is leaning toward community college, junior college, or a technical college, they should still consider these courses. They provide the preparation necessary for all types of postsecondary education. Although academic requirements differ among colleges, the admissions requirements listed below are typical for four-year colleges. The specific classes listed here are examples of the types of courses students can take.

English–4 Years  (American Literature, English Composition, English Literature, World Literature (many schools offer English I, II, III and IV which combines all these within the yearly offerings)

Mathematics–3-4 Years   (Algebra I, Algebra II, Calculus, Geometry, Precalculus, Trigonometry)

History/Geography–2-3 years  (Civics, Geography, U.S. History, World History, U.S. Government, World Cultures, World Geography)

Science–2-4 years (Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Physics, Marine Science)

Visual/Performing Arts–1 year (Art, Dance, Drama, Music, Band, Orchestra)

Foreign Language–2-4 years

Challenging Electives–1-3 years  (Communications, Computer Science, Economics, Psychology, Statistics)

Mathematical skills and scientific concepts and skills learned in challenging math classes are used in many disciplines outside of these specific courses.

Traditional English courses will help students improve their reading comprehension and also their writing skills and vocabulary. All of these skills are part of the SAT and ACT college aptitude tests.

History and geography help your teen better understand their society as well as other societies and governments around the world. Learning from history is a valuable tool in teaching your teen that there are consequences to all of our actions.

Encourage your teen to participate in the arts disciplines (visual or performing). Studies show that students who do often do better in school and on standardized tests. The arts also give them a richer understanding of history, science, literature and math, as well as helping to spur their creativity and ignite their passion. Many college admissions staff view participation in the arts as a valuable experience that broadens student’s understanding and appreciation of the world around them.

Parents Countdown to College Toolkit

toolkit-box1It’s official! I’m taking early bird orders for my Parents Countdown to College Toolkit. Save 30% off the final price if you order now. The toolkit will be available September 1st.

Click HERE to find out what is included and HERE to go directly to the order page.

That All-Important Counselor Connection

hs-counselorBefore or at the beginning of your teen’s freshman year, make an appointment to meet with the guidance counselor. This meeting will let the counselor know that you are an involved parent and that you will be taking an active role during your teen’s high school years. It will also serve to establish a relationship between your teen and the counselor which will benefit them in the future as they begin to require more and more help with the college application process.

Here are some questions you should ask at that meeting:

  • What basic academic courses do you recommend for students who want to go to college?
  • How many years of each academic subject does the high school require for graduation?
  • What elective courses do you recommend for college-bound students?
  • Can students who are considering college get special help or tutoring?
  • What activities can students do at home or over the summer to strengthen their preparation for college?
  • What do different colleges (liberal arts, business, technical, community) require in terms of high school grades and SAT or ACT scores?
  • What types of local scholarship opportunities are available?
  • Do you have scholarship applications available in your office for students to look through?

At this meeting you will also be able to, along with the counselor, map out a course plan for your teen. You and your teen will be able to communicate their interests and desires as it relates to college. This will cement in the counselor’s mind the fact that she is dealing with a motivated, goal-oriented teen with a parent that wants to participate in the process.

—>A word of advice here: Let your teen do most of the talking. The last thing you want to do is plow ahead without anyone getting a word in edgewise. This is the perfect time for you to practice “listening”-to both the counselor and your teen. You can certainly ask questions, but don’t appear to be one of those pushy parents that “demands” attention. This will work against your teen in the long run. Let the counselor know you value their advice and guidance. Don’t pretend to have all the answers (even if you think you do). Utilize this time to gather information and begin a 4-year relationship with an invaluable educational professional.

The 3 P's-Preparation Prevents Panic

I hate to admit it, but I’ve always been a procrastinator. It’s not one of my most admirable traits and oftentimes it results in some rather stressful moments. I’ve made every attempt to learn from my past mistakes, but old habits tend to die hard.

When I feel the urge to procrastinate, I remind myself of this simple montra: Preparation Prevents Panic. It applies to every area of our lives, especially as you navigate the college maze of information, forms, applications, and deadlines.

Preparation is the key to not only surviving, but remaining unstressed during the next four years. If you follow these simple guidelines, you won’t panic during your college-bound teen’s senior year.

  • Save everything-Keep essays, announcements, awards, report cards, and any records that might pertain to their college profile resume.
  • Watch the deadlinesGet yourself a “write-on” calendar and keep abreast of upcoming deadlines for scholarships and college testing.
  • Stay involved-Don’t expect your teen to keep abreast of everything on their own. They will be busy and need your help staying on-track and focused.
  • Stay organized-Keep all your college-related records in one place.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions-If you have questions about anything related to the college process ask your teen’s counselor, do some internet research, or you can always post a question here and I’ll do my best to get you a quick and helpful answer.

If you keep these suggestions in mind, you won’t be tempted to procrastinate which will result in panic.

Say it with me: Preparation Prevents Panic!

Heads Up…Freshman Parents!

high school juniorsThe beginning of the school year is approaching for new high school freshmen and it’s time to start thinking about college. Yes, that’s right. It’s time to start the college preparation process so that three years down the road you aren’t scrambling to pull it all together. As a parent, your involvement during the high school years will become even more intense as a source of guidance and encouragement.

Freshman parents–>It’s time to sit them down and formulate a plan for the next four years by establishing open communication and discussion. You can do this by talking about their goals, letting them know what is expected of them, and encouraging them to take an active role in their future.

Here are some topics that you might want to discuss with them:

  • The importance of an education and how it will affect their future
  • The goals and dreams you have for them and the goals they have for  themselves
  • Any rules you have regarding study time, curfew and school activities
  • The importance of balance between school and extracurricular activities
  • The classes and activities that will promote their interests and their college aspirations
  • The value of a good reputation, strong character, and leadership
  • Talk about establishing a strong work ethic and how it will benefit them as they pursue a career

It’s also a good idea to meet with their high school counselor early in the year to discuss the 4 year course plan and establish a presence as a concerned parent. You will be amazed at how many parents become less involved with their student’s education when they enter high school. Teachers and administrators will appreciate your involvement and your teen will know that you are still involved in their lives.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Do NOT become one of those parents who push and shove and control their teen. It’s a fine line between involvement and control. Be a guide, and an encourager, not a boss or a dictator.

Exploring Community College Options


Many graduating seniors have decided to take the community college path before heading off to a 4-year university. They will tell you that they’ve made that choice for several reasons: cost, academic preparation, and the freedom to stay at home for the first few years. Community colleges aren’t just training grounds for technical careers, they are also the first stop for about 4 in 10 of college-bound high school graduates.

Here are 8 reasons why community college might be a good fit for your college-bound teen:

  1. They lack the academic preparation to succeed in a 4-year program.
  2. They want to get the basics out of the way before taking on a rigourous college courseload.
  3. Cost is an issue and by going to a community college for 2 years provides  relatively inexpensive start to a higher education.
  4. They need flexible class schedules to accomodate a full-time job.
  5. They lack focus and don’t have any idea what type of career they want to pursue.
  6. They need extra attention from instructors and a smaller class environment.
  7. They feel intimidated by the prospect of attending a 4-year college.
  8. They want to pursue a technical career and can do so with a degree from a 2-year college.

Community college might not be for everyone. But, it might be a perfect fit for your teen. And, if your teen is planning on making it the start of a 4-year degree plan, do some research and verify that the classes will transfer to the university they plan to attend. There’s nothing more frustrating than taking a class and finding out the credits won’t transfer.

Ready. Set. Go.

The 2008-2009 school year is coming to an end. Seniors will be graduating and moving on to college, technical school or trade school. Juniors will officially be seniors with a busy year ahead of them before walking across that stage next May or June. Senior year is NOT the time to coast, relax and develop senioritis. It’s the time to get all your ducks in a row and start a timeline for college planning. Here’s some suggestions from experience that might help.


  1. Start refining your college list by viewing college tours online and deciding which schools you would like to pursue further by visiting and requesting an admissions interview.
  2. Do some online practice tests of the SAT and/or ACT to determine your weaknesses. Spend time over the summer studying and improving your vocabulary, math skills and essay skills.
  3. Start writing your application essays and refining them so they will be ready for submission.

Continue reading Ready. Set. Go.