Tag Archives: college prep

A College To-Do List for Your High School Junior


high school junior

The fall semester is coming to a close. By now, your high school junior should be concentrating on college choice, preparing for the SAT or ACT, and working on the college essay. I’m sure it’s already starting to become a little overwhelming: so many tasks, so little time. But the winter break is a great time to play a little catchup if you’re lagging behind.

Juniors who aspire to college have much on their mind. Making a college list can seem insurmountable. There are so many choices; how do you know which ones are a good fit? If money is a factor, how do you even know what kind of financial aid you can expect to receive if you apply? What are the colleges looking for in an applicant and do you even meet those qualifications? The list of unknowns can cause a good amount of stress for both parents and students.

Take a few minutes to go over this simple to-do list with your high school junior. Discuss what you can help him with and what he should be focusing on over the break. Breaking these down into small tasks should help, doing the ones that need to be completed first and following with the rest.

Are you tackling these items yet?

  1. Thinking about basic college criteria.
  2. Figuring out how to organize everything.
  3. Setting aside time to visit the colleges.
  4. Figuring out a test strategy.
  5. Keeping focused on academics.
  6. Working on the college essay.
  7. Getting serious about scholarships.
  8. Scheduling regular checkups to evaluate progress.


For the details on how to complete these tasks, you can read the original article at TeenLife Magazine: Share This College To-Do List With Your High School Junior.

College Prep Stress: Into the Pressure Cooker


college prep stress

I have a few friends whose sons are applying to college. The stress and the pressure students face regarding college is palpable. The question bears asking: How do you help your student navigate the process without adding your own college prep stress and pressure? Trust me; it’s not easy. Parents have their own kind of pressure related to college. Most of it revolves around the question: How will we pay for it?

So here is my best advice related to those two important questions.

How do you help your student navigate the process without adding your own stress and pressure?

You must in every circumstance remain calm. This is only one of many choices your soon-to-be adult will make in his life. This is the time when you transition from being a hands-on parent to being a supportive parent. I know that’s easier said than done. It’s hard after making all their decisions for 18 years to step back and let them chart their own course. But this act, in itself, will help alleviate stress for both you and your student.

Once you take a step back, the logical course for you is to become an encourager and coach. You can offer advice, help in the decision-making process and keep track of filing dates and deadlines, make travel plans for college visits and provide tutoring support if needed. This frees your student up for the important tasks: test prep, choosing the colleges, and filing out the applications. Your student knows what is expected of him and you know how you can help. Less stress for both parent and student.

How do you remove the money worries and stress around paying for college?

I can’t tell you how many emails I have received from parents whose students applied and were accepted to a college the parents can’t afford to pay for. The excitement of acceptance is overshadowed by the reality that the student won’t be able to attend due to lack of funds.

The only way to avoid this inevitable disappointment is to do your homework. Before your student applies, do some research about the college. How much does the college cost? What do students typically pay (this is usually not the sticker price)? Does it have a high acceptance rate? What type of aid does it award to students? Do they typically award a large percentage of their incoming freshman substantial financial aid? Is your student at the top of the applicant pool therefore increasing his chances of receiving merit aid? And finally, estimate your EFC (Expected Family Contribution).

After the research is done, how much can you afford to pay? If the college doesn’t award aid, can you pay the difference between the cost of the college and your EFC? Is your student willing to put in the effort to apply and win scholarships to help with the cost?

Once you have all the information, your student should only apply to colleges that are within your ability to pay with a reasonable expectation of merit aid if needed. It doesn’t make sense for him to apply to a $50,000 a year college if you don’t have the means or the ability to pay. Parents often feel pressured into letting their student attend and take out massive student and parent loans to foot the cost. This is not a wise decision and can cause added stress and pressure that is unnecessary.

There are also other ways you can avoid the stress of college prep. Read my article for TeenLife Magazine, Helping Your Teen De-Stress About College Prep, for some additional information.

Roadmap Planner for College Bound Students


roadmap planner

If you are reading this, most likely you are somewhere between 15 and 18 years old (or have a child of this age), trying to comprehend a large, obscure and scary monster called College Admission. You’ve probably already been told many bitty pieces of advice regarding this topic and are confused by the amount of preparations you have to go through. On one hand, it is completely natural! Going to college is one of the most important steps towards building a successful career. It is a milestone that largely predetermines your whole life. It’s also a decision you certainly do not want to regret in the future! Moreover, it is a long-term investment and should be thoroughly planned.

However, on the other hand, studying should be fun, isn’t it? And there is little fun about going crazy with worries and uncertainty, that’s for sure! While there is nothing we at KeepSolid can do about your school attendance or exam results (you, the student, are the one responsible for this), we offer our top-notch solution, Roadmap Planner, to assist you with the planning process. Keep reading and you will learn a few weighty tips that will help you better understand the road you are about to take. After all, well begun is halfway done!

Tips for students

The list of steps you have to take can be split into long-term tasks (1-3 years before college) and short-term tasks (less than 1 year before college).


  • If you haven’t already, it is about time to consider which college you’d like to go to attend and start saving money for it.
  • Take classes in core academic subjects. In the US, for example, colleges generally require three years of science, math, social studies, four years of English, and, in most cases, two years of a second language. That’s the minimum you should focus on.
  • Get involved in school-based activities, or consider volunteering or working in areas related to your future career.


  • If you reside in the US, we suggest you submit your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) right after October 1st, as well as any other financial aid applications you are required to submit.
  • Take SATs (Standard Attainment Tests) or any other such exams. You’re often allowed to pass them multiple times (or to pass training tests). Use this to your advantage to make sure you get the best results possible!
  • Apply to the chosen colleges. It’s highly recommended to apply to multiple schools at once.

Tips for parents

If you are a parent of a college bound student, there is work for you as well. Consider the tips below and help your child reach the winning results.


  • The main thing you should do – the sooner the better – is to discuss with your children their college plans. You’re likely to find some sort of misunderstanding or lack of knowledge regarding this issue in them. And it’s extremely important that you help your child figure everything out and get rid of confusion.
  • Keep an eye on their grades and study habits. It’s a stressful period for high school students and you should be ready to involve and help them.
  • By this point, you should have already opened a college saving account for your child – make sure you add to it regularly.


  • Help your child fill out all documentation they have to in order to avoid any last-moment complications.
  • Understand terms of student loans and taxes and explain them to your child along with the responsibilities involved in accepting them.

Additional hint

Despite the fact we have only listed the most crucial and somewhat tricky tips, it might already feel quite overwhelming to keep track of such a long and various sets of tasks, isn’t it? Which is perfectly fine, a human brain normally can’t trace such information for a long time. However, our top-notch productivity solution, Roadmap Planner, will definitely remove part of this weight off your shoulders. With this app, you can easily set an arrange of tasks within a specified timeline and monitor their completion. This way you will never forget about a crucial milestone or lose track of an important assignment – a great aid to planning and visualizing future for both students and their parents.

As you can see, college admission is a big deal indeed, but Roadmap Planner will help you to better structure the final goal and make the road to it more clear. So give it a shot, download Roadmap Planner and try all its premium features for free with a 21 day trial version.

Back to School? Here’s What To Do!


back to school

The summer vacation is almost over and back to school your kids must go! But what do they need ahead of a new semester? And how can you help prepare them for a new school year? We’ve pulled together some handy tips to ensure students can make the most of what’s to come.

Follow these useful tips – and work with your son or daughter to ensure their upcoming school year is the best yet – and in no time at all you’ll witness them receive their hard-earned diploma.

Make a Date with the School Counselor

If your child hasn’t met their school counselor yet, maybe it’s about time they did. Face-to-face conversation is the way to go, as the counselor really will make your son or daughter make sense of the school year and their choices for the future.

Apply for SAT/ACT

Even if your child’s already taken a standardized test like this, there’s no harm in taking it again. Many students opt to improve their scores a second time around, bettering themselves ahead of their next academic or career step.

If your son or daughter is yet to take the tests, there’s plenty of time to register. It isn’t a requirement to submit SAT or ACT scores by any means, but it may improve your child’s chances of a better career later down the line.

Put Some Prep Time in Now

If your child is worried about their performance in a particular school subject, it can make sense to put some preparation time now – while they’re not up against it during the semester. The vacation is a perfect opportunity to dust off those books and get ahead for the new school year.

Discuss Finances

School can come with costs; from books and stationery to bus and food money – but if you have the conversation with your child now, they’ll be more than prepared when the new semester comes around. Will they need to take a job during the vacation, for example, to earn some extra funds? If so, encourage them to look for the right job, which will ensure they can get out of the house to meet new people, and save some much-needed school money.


As well as getting ahead by putting in some time to study, students can improve their knowledge by reading. Find relevant books, or even novels, and help your child create a reading list that will benefit them when they go back to school. If they’ve shown an interest in a specific subject or discipline, do some research together to find books featuring great success stories from those who’ve followed a similar path. That way, they’ll have a role model in mind when completing their studies, giving them even more reason to put the time and effort in.

Have Fun, Too!

While the summer vacation should be spent planning the new school semester, it isn’t all work and no play. A vacation is just that, after all – and your son or daughter should also find plenty of time to relax and have fun. That way, they’re more than ready to tackle whatever the new school year has to throw at them.

Consider Extra-Curricular Activities

As well as the books we mentioned earlier, there’ll be a whole host of fun and beneficial extra-curricular activities available for sign-up during the summer vacation. Are there any seminars on, for example? Or maybe there’s a useful team-building summer camp, or motivational day to consider? Anything your child can do now to get ahead will stand them in good stead later.

Did you enjoy this blog post? What are your top tips to prepare your child for their upcoming school year? We’d love to know.

6 Ways to Prepare Your Child for College



Going to college is a huge milestone. It is a proud moment but it can be emotional and overwhelming at the same time. Therefore, you must prepare your child before they step inside those college gates.

Here are 6 ways you can prepare your child early for college.

Understand their Passions and Interests

Learning new things is more fun when kids are interested in them. Find out what your child is interested in and where their passions lie, even if they don’t necessarily fall within the realm of academics. It can be sports, drama, writing, etc.

For example, if the child is interested in sports, they can learn about the origin of a certain sport, evolution of the sport through history, etc. This will keep your child engaged and make learning more fun. Once they are clear what their passions and interests are, they can have a better understanding of which courses to pursue in college. Even if your child opts for online education, there are numerous opportunities to pursue the courses that interest them.

Prepare for College – Academically

Start preparing for college academics from junior high and high school itself. Some of the many ways your child can prepare for college include taking college-level courses and standardized tests as early as possible. This will help them enter college with more confidence.

Prepare for College – Financially

A college education is expensive, which is why you must be financially prepared for it when the time comes. The costs include tuition, course expenses, accommodation fees, personal expenses, etc. Start saving early and invest in saving accounts that offer tax benefits. It is also important that you keep an eye on the different scholarships that your child can apply for.

You can also consider online college education as an alternative instead of traditional college for your children. It is a popular, convenient and more affordable option as compared to traditional college.

Help Them Understand the Importance of College

The attitude of children towards higher education depends on the attitude of the parents. If you emphasize the importance of higher education, your child will take it seriously and focus on it through school and college. Start communicating the importance of higher education while they are still in school.

Teach Good Financial Habits

It is important to ensure that your child’s grades stay up and that they are focused on their academics, but it is equally important that they learn about work ethic and finance management early on. Encourage them to have a part-time job, about 10 hours a week, as it can help them increase productivity, learn time management, leadership and organizational skills. Teach them to be responsible about spending or saving their earnings. This will help them when they are in college.

Set a budget in high school and get them a checking account. Teach them to make smart financial decisions and ensure they know about credit card and debt early. If they plan to have a credit card, teach them to pay off the card each month and to only use it in emergency situations.

Expose them to Online College Courses

It would be a good idea to enroll your child in online courses while they are still in high school. This helps in saving money as the courses are inexpensive as compared to the college fee and your children can transition easily into college. Ensure that the colleges your child is considering applying to accept the coursework and find out what the basis of acceptance are (e.g., a minimum grade).

College is a great experience, so make sure your child is prepared for it, and is confident about treading that path.


About Author: Making education simple and easy to comprehend is Dana Jandhyala’s forte. She’s had a long career as an educator where she has taught in several different schools and institutes in multiple countries. Today, she helps students with personalized online tutorials by SchoolPage that help make concepts easy to understand, making learning fast and fun. She writes to help student s study better, and to coach parents so they can facilitate the success of their children. 

First Choice College-Preparing Students for College

First Choice College’s mission is simple, to prepare students for college.  I spoke with its founder, James Maroney, about the college prep process and how he helps parents and students plan for the college application.

What surprises people most about the college application process?

I think that many parents may be surprised by how easy it is to apply to a large number of schools using the Common Application, which will lead them to an even bigger surprise: how expensive it is to apply to that many schools.  Students are often surprised that many schools require a supplement in addition to the Common Application that can sometimes ask some detailed and different questions.

Can you share a tip parents might not be aware of?

I don’t think most parents are aware of how important the college visit is.  Many parents assume it is just for the students to learn about the school, however, many colleges utilize “demonstrated interest” in making their admission decision.  The best way for a student to show demonstrated interest is to visit the college campus.

Just how important is good SAT test prep?

Being prepared for the SAT or ACT is very important.  You don’t necessarily have to get a tutor or take a class, just as some people exercise on their own without joining a gym or hiring a private tutor.  However, I one message board I saw a post where a college advisor had asked an admission officer about whether a student should prepare for a standardized test, and if so, should the student prepare for the first one, and the admission officer’s response was that students should be as prepared as possible each time they take the test.  Not every student is applying to an Ivy League school, nor do you need to go to an Ivy League school to get a good education, but every student should try to put their best foot forward on standardized tests.  While there are many test optional schools, even those school use test scores in determining the size of merit scholarships, so there is a financial incentive to improve your test scores.

When should a child start preparing?

A Yale admission officer once told me that if you are starting to think of packaging a student in his or her junior year, then you are starting way too late.  What does that mean?  For college prep, you need to start in the freshman year, as colleges look at a depth of involvement more than a breadth of involvement.  So, students should start taking the most difficult classes they can handle and getting involved in a variety of activities.  Taking difficult classes and reading are the best ways to prepare for standardized tests over the long term.  As far as taking a test prep class, I recommend starting that kind of preparation in the summer between sophomore and junior years.

What do students typically need help with most when it comes to the SAT & ACT test?

One of the most common problems we see with students is that they make the test harder than it has to be.  That is, they often think that, “Because this is the SAT or ACT, it has to be hard” and they they change the questions in their own head to make it more difficult.  The truth is both tests are very literal tests, and students need to learn to answer the questions the way they are being asked and not put in their own meaning.

What are the benefits of having an SAT tutor to help a child prepare for the SAT test?

The benefits of having a private tutor for the SAT are similar to those of exercising with a personal trainer.  You have one person who is dedicated to your success, and can carefully observe how your are approaching the test, and make corrective actions when necessary.  It gives the student highly targeted and efficient preparation for the test.

Can you tell me a little about First Choice College?

First Choice College was founded in 1999 to help prepare students for college.  In addition to offering test preparation, we also help students with the college selection and application process.  All of our tutors are graduates of Yale or other top colleges.  We see are success as being linked with our student’s success.

Can you tell me about the options First Choice College Offers for SAT & ACT Prep?

We offer private tutoring or classes for both the SAT and ACT.  This can be either in person in our office or live online.  In addition, we also offer a self-guided video course for the ACT.

Top tip or tips for parents with a college-bound teen?

The best advice I can give to parents is to start early.  The early you start planning and thinking about college, the more options a student will have and the less stressful the student’s senior year of high school will be.

For more information about First Choice College visit their website: http://www.firstchoicecollege.com 

Preparing Students for College


High school students have to be prepared before going to college. This period in the educational journey of students has to be productive enough to gain the right amount of knowledge and skills. College is the real thing. This is where the students will build their dreams. It is where they can look forward into the future and see themselves as a success.

On the other hand, it is also a scary place. College will be full of activities, far harder than those in high school. Knowledge and skills will not be enough. Students also have to possess the needed qualities to thrive in their new environment.

  So now, the question is how do educational institutions prepare students for college? Is there a certain method to do this? In this article, we are going to talk about this critical matter. As you may know, “college” is not for everyone.

In fact, according to a study from Harvard University, only 56% of college students complete their degree. This is very alarming especially if we consider the number of high school students who are not getting a college education.

Why is this happening?

According to the latest findings conducted by the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) a.k.a. the Nation’s Report Card, only 37 percent of high school students are prepared for college. Why is this happening in a country where high achievers are very prevalent?

The blame goes both ways. The methods of the schools are not that enough to prepare students for college. Many college students are complaining about their high school education because they feel that it didn’t help them prepare for college. They believe that it all boils down to the quality of learning that high school institutions are offering today. 

In high school, you need to memorize a lot of things in terms of Science and the formulas involved in Math. There are also a lot of quizzes and standardized tests. However, when students go to college, the game suddenly changes. Students discover that memorizing is not that useful, but comprehension is a must.

Students have to understand the lessons and not just learn the facts. Another point to consider is that in high school, when a student attends classes regularly, they automatically get a passing grade.

However, when they are already in college, some professors don’t care if they are going to pass or not. It all depends on their performance in the classroom. Plus, the workload in college is far more demanding than in high school. You have to work hard for those passing grades.

Now, as per students’ opinions, we can say that high school today is not too bad. There are still small things that students should appreciate as high school is where students can learn the fundamentals of each lesson.

High school also teaches the students to acquire the necessary attributes that they can use in college. There are still a lot of things that students can learn from high school. They just have to notice these things and use them when they go to college.

A School That Defies the Norm

While most schools are too busy following their curriculum, there are schools that offers a different kind of learning experience for high school students.

Their methods go far beyond memorizing for exams and quizzes. They are famous because of their education from a deeper perspective. This is the Waldorf Academy in Toronto.

Waldorf Academy offers a wide variety of lessons in Sciences, Math, Arts, and Humanities, with a healthy dose of Social Sciences and Physical Activities. This institution makes sure that students are actively engaged in the learning process. Students in this school exhibit awareness, expertise, and clear thinking in a variety of areas.

Waldorf Academy is a school where students can actually entrust their future. As proof, statistics show that nearly 100% of the graduates from Waldorf high school get into College or other post-secondary programs.

According to the college professors who handled these students, the kind of education that they had in Waldorf Academy is evident. They are showing signs of clear-thinking and interest in the lessons—not only on the context but also in its sense.

Is your child ready for college?

Don’t compromise the future of your kids. High school is a critical part of the children’s educational journey. It is the start of making dreams and building them.

If they are not entirely equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills, and qualities, it would be hard for them to finish a degree.

So, why risk the future of your child while you can choose Waldorf Academy? Choosing a high-quality school with good-quality learning methods and teachers that are the best at what they do. In this school, you can be sure that you child is in good hands.

ScholarPrep 5 Day Challenge for Parents and Students


parents and studnets

Every parent wants to know how to help their college-bound teen with college prep. But where do you begin and what steps should you take to help? Jordan Schanda, Founder and Owner of ScholarPrep, has created a FREE 5 day challenge for parents and students to help them stand out on their college application. Below is all the information you will need from ScholarPrep to sign up for the event.


Do you want to help your child stand out and create impressive applications?

Chances are, if you’re like the parents I’ve worked with, you have the desire to help your child succeed but you’re struggling with where to start! You want to do everything in your power to make sure they can afford the college of their dreams, but the amount of information out there is downright overwhelming!


  • Ready to help your 8th-11th grader so they can achieve their college and career dreams
  • Overwhelmed by all the information out there about preparing for college
  • Worried that college will be a financial burden on your family
  • Excited to have someone guide you through the college planning process, step-by-step

In this free 5-day challenge, I will share my secrets for creating impressive college and scholarship applications. By the end of the challenge, you will know how to help your child stand out from the crowd of applicants so that they can get into the college of their dreams and earn scholarships to pay for it!


  • WHEN: Monday, April 24th – Friday, April 28th
  • WHERE: Online via email and in our exclusive, private Facebook Group.
  • WHO: The challenge includes activities and exercises for parents and students.
  • WHY: I created this challenge to help you learn how your child can stand out! This is one of the most overlooked parts of the college planning process.


Every good challenge starts with understanding your WHY. As soon as you sign-up and confirm your email, you will receive the Pre-Challenge Worksheet. It includes questions for parents and students, but don’t worry if you are going through this challenge alone. Just answer your part and we will support you in the ScholarPreppers Facebook group!

Then, the challenge will officially kick-off on Monday, April 24th!

  • Every morning of the 5-day challenge, I will email you the topic and assignment of the day. I will also post this in the ScholarPreppers Facebook Group.
    • Don’t worry, the assignments won’t be terribly difficult or take up too much of your time, but they will be valuable!
  • Once you’ve completed the assignment, you can share with us in the group so that you have other families journeying with you and cheering you on! Remember, this group is private, so only group members can see what you post. This is a safe space to ask questions, share concerns and celebrate wins!
  • Everyday at 6 PM Central time, I will join you in the ScholarPreppers Facebook group for a LIVE video session to go over the topic and answer any questions that you have about the assignment and creating impressive applications in general.


  • How you can help your child discover their passions – and WHY this is so important
  • How your student can understand and leverage their skills and abilities
  • The importance of leadership and the difference between being a leader and being outgoing
  • Why it’s important for your child to take initiative and create their own opportunities
  • The importance of giving back to the community
  • How your student can connect their passions + skills to create really impressive college and scholarship applications


Dear High School Junior

high school juniorDear High School Junior,

Your quest for college intensifies this year. Junior year is THE most important year in the college process. It’s the year you focus your energy on college preparation. All the years leading up to this year have prepared you to begin this journey and as an admissions officer once told me, “drive the car”.

Focus on these four tasks this year and enter your senior year prepared to apply to colleges.


Your junior year is THE most important year as far as college. It’s the junior year transcript that colleges will receive with your application. This is NOT the time to start coasting. Do your best in every class, especially the AP Honors classes. This level of commitment to academics will communicate to colleges that you capable of handling rigorous college courses and have fine-tuned your time management and study skills.

Test prep and study

First–the PSAT is NOT a practice test. It’s your ticket to some substantial scholarship money if you qualify as a finalist. You don’t have to win or be the best; you just have to qualify as a finalist. Most students don’t study for this test so that’s an advantage you will have going into it. If you study, you could be looking at a full-ride at one of the colleges you list on your test. Think carefully before you list a college. Once you do, it’s locked in.

The SAT and ACT are used by colleges to rate you among prospective students. Scoring high on these tests can mean the difference between an offer of admission and a rejection. Study before taking the test. Take advantage of some free test prep even if you feel you don’t need it. Take the practice tests, evaluate your strengths and weaknesses and adjust your study accordingly.

College lists and visits

It’s time to start your college lists. Is one college at the top of your radar? Do you want to stay in state or attend a college far from home? These are just a few of the questions you should ask yourself when you start your list. Remember to look at all types of colleges: private, state, junior colleges, liberal arts colleges, technical colleges and even career specific colleges like a culinary school. One size college does not fit all. It’s time to explore.

Start visiting colleges–either on your list or nearby to get a feel for campus life. Make some preliminary visits before you start scheduling official visits with the colleges. Talk to students. Explore the area around the college. Once you have a tentative list made, start scheduling visits for tours, meeting with financial aid, and interviewing with admissions. Letting the college know you are coming shows interest in their school. Colleges keep track of these contacts; and when the application is received, they can look at their list and see you have expressed interest.


Talk with your parents about how they expect you to pay for college. If they are contributing, ask how much they have budgeted for your education. This will help you know what they are prepared to pay and what you will have to contribute to make up the difference. If it’s substantial you should intensify your scholarship search and start working to save money for expenses.

Don’t apply to colleges that are entirely out of your reach if you don’t receive financial aid. It will only lead to disappointment. Investigate how much financial aid the colleges usually provide incoming students. This will help you plan. Remember that the sticker price of a college is not usually what you will pay. Apply to colleges where you are at the top of the applicant pool. This will improve your chances of receiving merit aid.

It’s time to get serious because senior year is just around the corner. Once it hits, you will be writing essays, applying to colleges, and working hard to keep your grades up. If you prepare in advance by completing these four tasks, you will have less stress your senior year.

3 Artificial Intelligence Tools to Help with College Prep


college prep

Today’s guest post is from GoSchoolWise, a new website offering free tools to help with college prep.

Is this school a good fit for my child? Do we have a balanced college list? How much will college cost us?

If these are the questions you are asking yourself, there is good news. A smart computer called IBM Watson (the computer that beat humans in Jeopardy) is helping answer these questions for thousands of parents this year at GoSchoolWise.com.

GoSchoolWise.com has 3 tools that use sophisticated algorithms to help answer the questions you were wondering. The good news is all these tools are free for high school students and their parents.

College – Personality Fit Tool: The tool has analyzed over 600 US colleges and identified personality traits of students at those schools. 

Example: Some of the personality traits of Georgia Tech students are: Unselfish, Go with the flow, Thoughtful, etc. Some traits for students at Columbia University are: Independent, Change-Agent, Direct etc.

The tool can analyze your child’s essay or Tweets to develop her/his personality traits and identifies their personality fit with each school on your schools list. In addition to campus visits this tool can give you a unique perspective how well your child will fit in at a particular school.

Let us know if you agree with the personality traits of your child by sending a message here.

  1. Admissions Insights: The tool analyzes the schools you are considering applying to and gives you valuable information on the potential acceptance rate based on your child’s gender, and the admissions round you are considering (EA, ED, RD, etc.).

    The tool also recommends other schools your daughter or son should consider as well as checks if you are in compliance with the Early application policy such as Restrictive Early Action or Single-Choice Early Action for different schools.

    In addition to a bunch of other admissions insights, the tool beautifully lays out the schools on a US map (with school pictures) for you to visualize how far your young one is considering going.
  2. Financial Insights: The tool takes your family income and uses historical data as well as factors in the financial aid families with similar income received, predicts the total annual cost of attendance for your child. This can be valuable information to help you understand how much college can cost your family.

You really thought this post will end without giving you any bonus tools and features.

Well guess what we have…

3 Bonus tools/features: SchoolWise also has additional tools/features to help families. Some of the other noteworthy features are:

  1. College Admissions News: College Admissions news and updates from around the web are curated with the help of IBM Watson. The news feed keeps families updated on the latest admissions advice and developments.
  2. Academic Index: Looking to apply to Ivy League school? You should check out the Academic Index (AI) Calculator. AI is a score between 60 – 240 used by Ivy League schools to score the academic achievement of an applicant. The score is highly correlated to acceptance rates. Even though Academic Index is not a secret anymore, but the Ivy League universities and other highly selective colleges are hush-hush about its use.
  3. Schools Pages: Each 4-year college has a beautiful schools page, with pretty images, videos, and interactive tools. One example is the gender diversity tool, which shows the class mosaic. Also, check out the notable alumni and the key recruiting companies section for each school. Some school page examples are: Harvard University, MIT, College of William and Mary.