Tag Archives: college prep

The Obsession with Brand Name Colleges

brand name colleges

Unless you have been hiding under a rock for the last week or so, you’re probably aware of the college cheating scandal now known as #VarsityBlues. Some over-anxious parents found it necessary to pay what they call “bribes” to get their students into what they call “prestigious colleges”. My only question: when will this end?

When will parents stop worrying about WHERE their student goes to college versus WHY they go to college? It’s just as bad to dictate your student’s college choice as it is to assure they get in to the college of your choice.

This is nothing new. Parents have been “paying” for their students to go to brand name colleges for years. They donate huge amounts to colleges to secure a spot for their student. They pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to elite coaching companies to assure admission to an Ivy League university.

The Tiger Mom approach

Years ago, there was quite an uproar among parents regarding a Wall Street Journal piece, “Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior” by Amy Chua, a professor at Yale University. In an excerpt from Chua’s new book “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother”, Chua writes about her quest to assure her children attend an Ivy League college:

Here are some things my daughters, Sophia and Louisa, were never allowed to do:

  • attend a sleepover
  • have a playdate
  • be in a school play
  • complain about not being in a school play
  • watch TV or play computer games
  • choose their own extracurricular activities
  • get any grade less than an A
  • not be the No. 1 student in every subject except gym and drama
  • play any instrument other than the piano or violin
  • not play the piano or violin.

Does that sound a bit harsh? It does to most parents. Although Ms. Chua does have a point when it comes to parenting without excuse, there are varying opinions concerning Ms. Chua’s attitude over the way Western parents do not take a strict approach in pushing their kids toward the “best” colleges.

What are the “best” colleges?

Many parents and educators will tell you they are the Ivies. Others will say they are the ones with the most selective admissions process. Many parents today will insist to paid college counselors that their student can only apply to these schools. It’s not about the fit, but it’s about bragging rights and prestige. Can I brag about my student on Facebook, to other parents and to my colleagues. You don’t believe? Just ask those people who do this for a living–I’ve heard this time and time again.

Are these selective colleges best for your student?

Many parents, college admissions counselors, and educators believe they do. They see these colleges as necessities in providing students with a good job after graduation, opening doors because of the alumni network, and the value of a college name when you venture out into the world.

Why pay for your student to attend a selective college?

You shouldn’t. If you feel the need to seek college counseling help, it should be from someone who has your student’s best interest at heart–not yours! One of my colleagues is so convinced of this, he placed this statement on his website:

“If you prefer personal coaching, I do NOT work with families whose only purpose is to get their child into an Ivy League school, or one that reflects the parent’s need to validate themselves through their children.”Https://www.studentbrandstrategy.com/about

What are the “best” colleges?

In my opinion, the “best” colleges are the ones that will give your student a good education at an affordable price: and one that your student chooses as a good fit for them. There are networking opportunities at every college AND the connections your child makes while in college can be made at any university. As in life, college is what you make of it. If your child takes advantage of the education, the networking opportunities, and works at internships during college, graduation will yield job opportunities. Not every family can afford an Ivy League education. Not every student (in spite of Amy Chua’s beliefs) wants or needs to go there. 

If you have to rely on a college name to get ahead in life then I fear you are missing the entire point of education.

San Diego Union Tribune

Here are additional articles that might add to the discussion and help us zero in on the real problem in college admissions:

Kids are the Victims of the Elite College Scandal

The Moral Wages of the College Admissions Mania

The Myth of American Meritocracy

5 Questions to Ask the Financial Aid Office

Keep these questions in mind as you plan your next college visits and take the time to schedule an appointment with the school’s office of financial aid.

1. What are your financial aid deadlines?

In addition to deadlines for the standard financial aid applications: the Free Application for Federal Financial Aid (FAFSA) and PROFILE, the financial aid application service of the College Board, colleges may also have their own deadlines and forms. Be sure to ask if the school’s financial aid forms are different for need-based and merit-based aid when the deadlines are. Note many schools have declared March 1 as their priority filing date for financial aid. Be sure to confirm each school’s priority filing dates.

2. What is your Cost of Attendance (COA) for the current year?

 There are precisely six components to a college student’s complete budget:

  • Tuition
  • Fees
  • Room and Board
  • College Textbooks and Supplies
  • Personal expenses
  • Transportation

Many proposed budgets only include Direct Costs (which are the first three items listed) and typically what you will pay directly to the bursar’s office. However, the U. S. Department of Education requires that colleges fully inform you as to all of the above costs, so find out specifically what those amounts are to establish a complete budget for college expenses.

3. How much of an increase in the COA do you project for next year?

When you ask this question, be sure to request the specifics related to each cost component. Tuition and Room and Board increases are independent of each other. For example, one school may expect an increase of 5 percent in tuition and fees, but a 10 percent increase in Room and Board. This information will help with budgeting but also gives the financial aid officer the impression that you are an informed parent.

4. Are you able to meet 100 percent of financial need?

If they say “No,” find out why, and get details. Is the policy based on “first come, first served?” What’s the average percentage of need the school can meet? What percentage is in the form of grants and how much is in the form of loans? Is there a dollar amount left as a gap (unmet need) for everyone? Do they include Parent Loans (PLUS) in the aid package?

(Note: They shouldn’t do this…those loans are to be used for your EFC-Expected Family Contribution, not for meeting the financial need of the student.)

5. Do you offer Merit Scholarships, and how do you treat private scholarships awarded to the student?

If a Merit Scholarship is being awarded, it normally goes into the financial aid package first, reducing the amount of need-based aid. Find out if a merit award reduces the self-help in the package, or if it replaces other need-based grants. A true Merit Scholarship can go beyond the “need” level, which means that it can lower your EFC. 

Everything You Need to Know About College from 5 of the Best Experts


It’s a jungle out there–cluttered with all kinds of college advice. How does a parent hack through the massive amounts of advice and find what they need with confidence? It’s not easy. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of college help websites, Facebook groups, YouTube channels and more offering paid and unpaid advice about college.

There are five experts I turn to when I need added advice about all things college:

Debbie Schwartz-admissions/financial aid

Debbie Schwartz founded Road2College in 2016 to educate families about college admissions and empower smarter college financial decisions. Her facebook group has a huge following with parents and experts sharing advice about paying for college and finding colleges with the best merit aid.

Website: https://www.road2college.com/

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/payingforcollege/

Monica Matthews-scholarships

With all the scholarship search sites and information out there, you need someone to help your student WIN the scholarships they are eligible for. Monica fits that bill. She successfully helped her son graduate debt-free with $100,000 worth of scholarships by using her unique method of packaging the scholarship application. She knows her stuff and she knows what you need to know to make the scholarship application process successful.

Website: https://how2winscholarships.com/

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/How.To.Win.College.Scholarships/

Jodi Okun-financial aid

Perhaps the most complicated aspect of the college application process is financial aid. Jodi has experience in this area from working in a college’s financial aid department. She has advice related to the FAFSA, student loans, financing college and helping your student budget for college. If you have a financial aid question, Jodi knows the answer.

Website: http://collegefinancialaidadvisors.com/

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/374562589403896/

Ethan Sawyer-college essays

I love Ethan’s information because he knows what he is talking about and much of it is free to anyone who takes the time to browse his website. He offers samples of essays, tips for writing them, brainstorming ideas and more. He also provides personalized help with the essay and web training for students as well. You can’t go wrong by using Ethan’s expertise and he even has a “pay what you can afford” option for his seminars. What could be better?

Website: www.collegeessayguy.com

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CollegeEssayGuy/

Jenn Cohen-test prep

If you have a learning disabled student or simply a student who can’t seem to focus on preparing for standardized tests, Jenn is the expert. Her unique method of coaching not only helps prepare your student for the test, but she helps them learn study habits to help with more than test prep. Jenn has the training and the experience to help your student do their best on any of the standardized tests. Plus, she’s a Duke alumini and proud of it!

Website: http://www.launchpadeducation.com/

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/LaunchPadEducation/

Disclaimer: I don’t receive any fee or commission for recommending these experts. These are simply my own “go to” experts when I have a question or need to collaborate in any of these areas of college prep. I trust them implicitly and you can too!

3 Ways to Take Charge of the College Process

Many times, students and parents just “let the college decision happen”. They automatically assume that once they make the decision to attend, they will be able to get in somewhere, even if it’s a local community college. You should take charge of your college process and make it your “job” to find a place where you can get a college education that is worth the money.

1. Establish relationships

Start early establishing those relationships that will help you in the college admissions process. You will need recommendations from teachers, counselors and even business professionals. You should also make contact with admissions personnel at the colleges you are considering. These relationships will cement your desire to attend their college and keep your name at the forefront of their minds when they receive your application.

2. Choose to choose

Don’t let the college decision happen. Make a decision to choose the colleges. Take control of the process from researching, to visiting, to applying, to final acceptance. It’s up to you to evaluate your financial aid awards and determine the best value. You don’t want your college education to be an “impulse” buy.

3. Be wise about funding

Part of taking charge of the process, is taking charge of the funding. Know what your budget is and what you are willing to spend. Don’t bury yourself in debt. Look at the repayment calculators and evaluate your earning potential upon graduation. Don’t take the “I’ll-think-about-that-when-I-graduate” approach. Most importantly, fill out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) because this qualifies you for government grants, loans and college merit aid scholarships.

If you follow these simple suggestions, you will be the one in charge of your college search. Don’t leave the process to fate, luck or someone you don’t even know. It’s your future. It’s your decision. It’s your education.

The First Day of College

Your senior is looking ahead. The last few months of high school. Major decisions to make. A huge to-do list. Then…it’s off to college. How will your student adapt? How will you adapt? Here’s a letter to your student (save it for later) and prepare yourself for their first day of college and the longest goodbye.

first day of college

This is it!

You have made the college applications, you have been to those (not for the faint of heart) college visits, you have been accepted for a place, and then, finally, your alarm clock wakes you from your slumber. The day has finally arrived.

The day you leave home and embark on your college education.

Oh, the joys, the excitement, the nerves, the cold dread of fear…

It’s time for some survival tips to help you get through your first day.

Tip #1: Operate an open day policy

If you have a roommate, then you will automatically have one candidate for your social circle (let’s hope you like them). But if you are in a room of your own, don’t shut the door when you arrive. Well, don’t shut it for long anyway, as your day will be a lot easier if you manage to say “hello” to somebody. An open door is an opening for other residents to come and introduce themselves to you, so while you might want to curl up in bed if you’re stricken with nerves, know that operating an open door policy on your first day will help you make contact with similar others.

Tip #2: Make your room your own

Homesickness is common for first-day students, and while you may be tempted to ring your parents every five minutes for comfort, you can also make any negative feelings disappear by decorating your room with your some homely touches. Photos of friends and family, posters from your old bedroom, and any knick-knack you might possess are all useful ways to transform your dorm room from something strange and unfamiliar to something comforting and reassuring.

Tip #3: Get out and meet people

Don’t stay in your room alone for long. Hopefully, you may have met people through the open door policy we advocated, but if not, you need to be proactive. Wander down the corridor and knock on other people’s doors. Introduce yourself, and let them know your room number. And go out into the wider campus and find out where people are hanging out. It takes courage to go up to groups of people, but try and do so, or if you see other people wandering about alone, go and say “hello.” They are probably in the same boat as you are, trying to make sense of their first day in a new place.

Tip #4: Explore the campus

You are going to get lost – a lot – in your first few days at college. Don’t worry, this is normal, and if you are late for a few classes here and there, then you have an excuse. Still, you can make life easier for yourself by exploring your surroundings. Especially as  you won’t have much to do on your first day, this is the perfect opportunity to spend time getting to know where things are. From the cafeteria to the library, make a mental note of how to get to places, or make notes on your phone. You might also meet people this way too, so remember to be polite and introduce yourself as you’re on your walk around the campus.


Don’t despair if you don’t meet anybody you like. Don’t worry if your first day threatens to overwhelm you. It will get easier, so try to stay calm and carry on, even when your nerves threaten to get the better of you. There is plenty more advice online on how to survive college life, including this excellent blog from Stephen Troese Jr, so gather as much info as you can to help you on your college journey.

How Can Parents Help With College Prep?

college prepWhen I was in high school, parents would never think of helping their student with college prep. The high school counselors handled any questions and most my classmates attended the local four-year university. But parenting has changed and so has college prep. With record numbers of students applying to college and the soaring costs of college, parents can help students relieve some of the stress of college prep by offering some help when needed.

Just remember that “help” is the operative word. Your student should always be in charge of the process. Here are just a few ways you can help your student with college prep:

Scholarship searches

Parents can assist students with scholarship searches. With all the opportunities online of scholarship postings and search engines, it’s easy to spend some time on your smartphone looking for scholarships that fit your student. You can do a Google search with scholarship parameters, use apps like MyScholly, or even search on Twitter by following users like @AidScholarship or @Scholarships360. Once you find a scholarship that matches your student’s interests and/or qualifications, pass the information along to your student.

Interview tips and information

Parents can certainly provide useful interview tips for their students. They can advise them on appropriate dress and give interview tips and encouragement.  You might even go as far as passing along useful articles about college interview questions and answers like this one: College Interview Questions to Ask and Answer.

Essay proofing and editing

While it’s not advisable for parents to contribute content to the student’s college essay (admissions officers can spot this instantly), it’s perfectly acceptable to help your student with proofing and editing. Your student may need to bounce off some ideas before starting as well. If you find it necessary, you can even provide further help by paying for an essay writing coach like The College Essay Guy to help.

College visits

Accompanying your student on college visits can be another way you can participate in the process. While on the visit, let your student take the lead. You should listen, take pictures, and even notes if necessary to help with the information gathering process. Scheduling multiple visits over a few days can also be helpful for both you and your student.

Test prep

Your student should set aside some time to prepare for standardized tests. You can help by scheduling study time during the week, monitoring practice tests, or even paying for a professional test prep tutor. Affordable and even free test prep is available for every student if you find this will help them better prepare

College choice

Even though the final choice of college should always be left to your student, you can certainly offer input and advice along the way. You can help your student stay within the financial guidelines you should set before applying and also help with the final decision.


Saving Money During College

saving moneyIf your child (or soon to be adult…) is off to college, then you could be worried about a few things. Are they going to fit in? Will they enjoy their experience away, or get homesick and struggle in their new city? Do they have enough knowledge about finances to get by? Well, we’ve spent a lot of time considering the latter question, so that you can be sure that your child is prepared when it comes to finances. Rest easy knowing that they’ve got it covered, by remembering these simple tips:

Teach them what you know

The reason that many kids at college struggle so much with finances, is because nobody has taught them how these things truly work. You don’t have to sit down and lecture your kids on this, but make sure you give them some tips in the months leading up to their big move to college. If they can’t cook breakfast and don’t know how to pay rent, they’re going to have some real problems. You can prevent all of this with a bit of advice, and it will go a long way, so show your child how to manage things like bills and rent (especially if they’ve been planning to eat cereal for every meal of the day…).

Use technology to budget

Helping your child to sort out a budget will be really useful to them, especially when they’re going it alone. The days of sitting down and trying to distinguish what you’ve spent, and where, are gone, and you no longer need to sit there with a pen doing the math for hours. Utilize the technology that is out there, and make sure your kids have the best money management app available. Your child probably spends a long time on their cell phone, and won’t forget about budgeting if it is right in front of them. We can’t promise that, but it’s worth a shot.

Emphasize the importance of researching

Ok, we don’t mean academic researching here, but if they have the skills to do it, then why let it go to waste. Many college kids decide that they need something – and this could even be a textbook – and then just buy the first copy of it that they come across. Please, don’t let your child do this, when they could get second hand copies from places like eBay for a fraction of the cost. There are plenty of online stores that specialize in used books, and doing your research first could save you hundreds of dollars over the academic year. Research, research, and research again. You won’t regret it when your wallet shows you the benefits.

So, there we have it. Some simple tips to help you to help them, when it comes to sending your kids to college. Teach them everything you know about finances, bills and rent, use the latest technology to budget, and make sure that they research before they splash out on expensive resources. Good luck!

Getting Your College-Bound Student Ready for College


Every year students struggle with the transition from home life to college life and some of them find it so hard they do not make it through their freshman year. Sometimes they find the academic challenge too much, but for many of those who quit it is more the fact of being away from home and having to run their own life that they cannot cope with.

Teach Them To Accept They Will Not Always Excel

In high school, your child could have been an A student who always came top of their class. Now they are a different environment with other students who did well at school. The work is much harder and their grades may drop to B’s or C’s. They might no longer be the top of the class. They need to know how to cope with this, and to know that they will not always excel at everything they do.  The important thing is that they try their best, and as long as they have done that, they should accept whatever position they are in the class.

Having other people around that are more capable than us is part of life and a lesson they need to learn.

Help With Their Coping Mechanisms

The first few months at college can be very stressful. For many of the students, they have left home for the first time and find themselves in a strange environment. Some just give up and go back home, some seek teen anxiety treatment as they want to see it through, and others establish coping mechanisms of their own. Your children are likely to be in the former camp, or not struggle at all if you give them the right tools now.

Chat to them about how they are coping and see if there are any tips you can give them to make it a little easier. They are going to have to cope with challenges all through their life and establishing ways of coping with them now, whether that is from you or the professionals that have helped them, will stand them in good stead for the future.

Give Them Freedom

It is very tempting to keep tabs on your children so that you always know where they are and what they are doing. This is a natural reaction for parents who want to prevent their children from making mistakes.

However, if they never make a mistake they will not know how to deal with it, or how to get on with life afterward when they’re out on their own at college. You should expect them to test the boundaries and sometimes to make a wrong decision. Be there if they want your help, but generally teach them they have to accept responsibility for what they got wrong and deal with the consequences.

Let them know you are pleased when they have made the right choice over something, as this will foster a feeling of confidence in them.

Teach Them That The Small Stuff Does Not Matter

There are so many small things that teenagers will stress over that really do not matter. You should teach them the important things in life, and that they are just causing themselves unnecessary stress if they worry about small things such as what color socks they are wearing or if they have to go out in the evening when they do not want to.

Teach them to be resilient to the knocks life is bound to throw at them and they will grow into a much more capable and confident adult.


College Visits Aren’t for the Faint of Heart

college visitsIt’s fall for high school juniors and that means it’s time to jump right in and start those college visits. (Sophomores should start making these as well–there is much to be gained from making some preliminary visits.) If this is your first time visiting with a teenager you are in for a treat–drama on top of drama on top of drama. These visits are not for the faint of heart.

My own experiences with college visits still provide me with much needed comedy relief; although at the time they produced frustration and tears.

Here are four different college visit experiences we had with her. They prepared her for her final choice which wasn’t in Texas and wasn’t her dream school. You just never know where the journey will take you.

Baylor University

This wasn’t an actual visit, but it does demonstrate how emotional college visits can be. She refused to visit Baylor because Waco was the location of the Branch Davidian compound. Even though she had several friends who were considering that college and the setting and course offerings were perfect for her, she crossed it off the list before we ever set foot on campus.

North Texas State University

This was the only public university she visited and we had barely stepped out of the car before she said, “I don’t like it here. It’s ugly.” We did take the campus tour, which further cemented her distaste for the campus. It was one of the only colleges on her list that had a strong program of study that interested her, but there was no convincing her to consider it after the visit.


When we drove up to this private university, it was love at first sight. The campus is gorgeous and the buildings were immaculately maintained. After taking the tour, she decided to spend a night on campus. Meeting other students, seeing the sorority houses and spending time in a few of the classes cemented her love for this school. It would be the jewel to compare other colleges to; and she found one just like it in Boston.

Newberry College

This was a small college in the suburbs of Boston. She applied to this college because 1) it was in Boston, and 2) it had a strong program of study that she was interested in. We visited this college after she was accepted and offered a full-ride scholarship. She never got out of the car. Her words, “I’m just not feeling it.” You can imagine my frustration but I knew that if she wasn’t happy she wouldn’t excel there, especially this far away from home. So I counted to 10, we drove off, and went to the next college—the college she ultimately  chose–Bentley College (a campus like SMU in Boston).

Those were my experiences, but yours might be entirely different. Prepare for your teenager to morph into these strange characters over the next several months.

The skeptic

Before you even get out of the car your kid announces that he’s just not feeling it. Don’t even attempt to decipher what that means because it’s impossible to understand. You’ve driven (or flown) to go to a college he had on a list and now he’s just not feeling it. Bench your anger, take a deep breath and get out of the car. You’ve come all this way and you’re going to visit the college. In the best of worlds he will get out with you. In the worst of worlds he’ll stay in the car. There’s not much you can do with an obstinate teenager; it’s best to move on.

The architect

And yet another alien appears. You’re walking around campus and your kid announces that he doesn’t like how it looks. Never mind that he’s not going to college for the buildings or the landscaping. He’s going for the academics. But for some reason his blinders aren’t allowing him to see anything but the buildings and no amount of pointing out the pluses is going to change his mind.

The critic

You’re walking around campus and your kid announces that the students don’t seem friendly. Mind you he’s probably not even spoken to any of them and it’s a good bet he didn’t like the tour guide. Don’t try to convince him otherwise because the more you say, the less likely he’ll come around. Just wait until a cute girl approaches him. He’ll change his tune quickly.

The panic-stricken

You get back into the car after your last visit and he announces, “I’m not sure I want to go to college”. Don’t panic. He’s just realized the whole thing is real and he’s terrified. Give him some time to think it through and tomorrow he’ll most likely change his mind again. The worst thing you can do is draw a hard line in the sand now because his feelings are likely to go up and down like a roller coaster over the next few months (or years).

What’s a parent to do?

Even though your kid wants you to treat him as an adult, he’s still a teenager. His emotions are all over the place and this next step in his life is frightening. Remember that college is largely an emotional decision and you should expect that emotions will play into that decision. When the dust settles and the emotions clear, he will make a decision based on all the factors, including his campus visits. After all, you don’t want him to attend a college he just isn’t feeling and you don’t want him to make a decision and leave out the emotional factor. He’s going to spend the next four years of his life at this school. It will become his second home and it’s important that he likes where he is.

As you can see, it’s not an exact science. You can plan and prepare all you want, do your research before visiting, and make a list of likes and dislikes prior to pulling up to campus. But it’s that first impression that will have a lasting impact on their college decisions. There’s nothing logical about a teenager. Prepare for a wild ride.

An Application to Help Students Stay Organized

Today’s guest post is a from a company called Webjets who offers an organization and productivity tool that can be used by soon-to-be college students and college students. The author,  Vladislav Khaustovich, is a student at ​Penn State College & University


I decided to write this article to support an outstanding platform that helps people to organize everyday tasks and data and which helps me personally as a college student to work with a big amount of information. The name of the platform is Webjets.

I first learned about Webjets from my former supervisor at Starta Accelerator where I did an internship and where Webjets was accepted as one of the most promising startup companies  from Europe.


Here are the features that make Webjets unique:

Ability to see all the tasks at once

The first thing that caught my attention in this application was its simplicity and the ability to retrieve information quickly. I have always been looking for this kind of platform where I could create tasks and find them right away after opening the platform. It’s something difficult to do when it comes to all kinds of calendars and task managers. You have to scroll them up and down, search for a required piece of information among tons of others, and click many different buttons. Annoying stuff… While all these applications pretend to be simple, Webjets is just built to be simple.


I started using Webjets as a tool to write down my everyday tasks and what I liked about thisplatform is that when I log in, I instantaneously see all my tasks in one place. I can embrace them all in once without the need to scroll, click, and swipe anything else. It’s similar to using a physical whiteboard. Still, the whiteboard is limited by its dimensions while Webjets is not.

Organizing collected information in a convenient way

Usually, it takes a good amount of time to collect and organize the information for any college project. Webjets makes both processes simpler. For example, let’s assume you’re working on a project which goal is to explain major movements in modern art and you decide to use Microsoft Word for this purpose. You start writing down the information and at some point, you realize that you have too many links and way too much information in your Word document (and it happens all the times). You start reorganizing the information by copying, deleting, pasting and erasing stuff. You go to links that you pasted into your document and try to paraphrase the information and then to paste the new, reorganized pieces of information in your document. It consumes a lot of time. You get tired quickly. In Webjets, everything is much simpler. You can drag pieces of information all around the board. You can view a short summary of the links that you decide to include in your project. You can also show and hide automatic images associated with these links to make the navigation simpler.


Make to-do lists and save important information really fast

For many students, college life is like: “Wow, this stuff is so interesting, I’d love to go deeper, but there is still so much work to do.” Webjets is a good solution when it comes to creating to-do lists. For example, you can create a number of different boards and assign each of them to the courses you take. When you encounter any important or interesting information in the course that you would like to review later, you can quickly create a note or drop a link in Webjets to make sure everything is under your informational control.


There are tons of other ways how Webjets may be used, but what I’ve mentioned above are just those features that I found helpful for myself.

In the end, I want to thank Webjets team for its understanding and responsiveness. Besides numerous questions that I kept asking the people from Webjets, I was also surprised by how quickly they fixed the issue that seemed annoying to me. I just sent them a message on Facebook and they fixed it in the next few days.

I encourage everyone who is still using calendars, task managers, and all kinds of note-taking apps to go to Webjets and see how this amazing app can make your life easier!