Tag Archives: college

Top 10 Things every parent should know about “hooking up” in college


A recent article on CNN.com addressed the issue of hooking up and not hooking up on college campuses. While it’s not a subject that parents like to discuss, it is a reality. I know when my naïve 18 year old daughter headed off to college, it was one of my biggest fears. Knowing what it means, how to address it and what to do if it happens should help ease your mind a bit.

Here’s my Top 10 list of things every parent should know:

1. What is hooking up?

The term “hook up” is vague, but is usually defined as a no-commitment, physical encounter with a stranger or acquaintance. Hooking up can range from just a casual get-together to a make out session to sexual intercourse. Knowing this makes it difficult to discern just what it means when your college student tells you they “hooked up” with so and so.

2. Hooking up is today’s alternative to dating.

When we were in school, everyone dated. That meant going to the movies, out for pizza, and spending time together getting to know one another. In today’s culture, hooking up often precedes the dating.

3. Hooking up IS happening on campus.

According to the article on CNN.com, “various academic studies have cited at least 75 percent of women have engaged in hooking up on campus, and the number is usually higher for men.”  If your college-bound teen enters that culture, they are going to be confronted with this type of behavior.

4. Hooking up is every parent’s nightmare.

Yes. It brings terror into our hearts to think that our sweet little child would even consider hooking up with an absolute stranger. But the unfortunate reality is that it does happen and it’s your job as a parent to be informed and help your college-bound teen to be prepared.

5. Not EVERY college student is doing it.

This knowledge will help you in talking with your teen about his or her options. Many college campuses have groups that exist to offer alternatives to hooking up and give students the power to say no to that culture. (Check out the Love and Fidelity Network)

6. You need to have the sex talk with your college bound teen BEFORE they leave for college.

This means you need to open up the dialogue about hooking up, what it means, and the fact that they have choices. You are the most powerful influence on your child and now is the time to get them the information they need before they leave home. They may act like they aren’t listening, but they are. Look for opportunities to discuss the risks of hooking up and the alternatives.

7. Denial is NOT an option.

Hiding your head in the sand is not the way to address this issue. It’s your job as a Parent College Coach to accept the reality of this culture and prepare your teen for his or her first hooking up encounter on campus. When it happens (and it will) it won’t blind side them, giving them with options.

8. Peer pressure is a HUGE factor.

Peer pressure in college can be even greater than in high school. Your child is alone, surrounded by all types of behavior. You aren’t there to pull in the reins and they are free to go in any direction they choose. The hook up culture can be hard to avoid; and if your college student decides to go Greek, the pressure intensifies.

9. Hooking up is most often precipitated by alcohol.

The drinking culture on college campuses drives the hook up culture. Young, naïve students get drunk and lose control of their emotions. Hooking up becomes easier and it provides opportunities for your college student to be coerced into something they might not necessarily choose when sober.

10. It’s a choice your college-bound teen will make.

Your child will have the power to choose. They can choose to hook up or choose not to. They are free to make that choice and it’s a choice that they will be confronted with when they go off to college. Arming them with the knowledge of how to respond to this choice allows them to protect themselves.

Parenting, on the best day, is hard. It’s hard to let go. It’s hard to trust. It’s hard to believe that the child we raised has become independent and knows what they need to know to survive in the world. But it’s our goal as parents to provide them with the knowledge and the tools they need to survive.

Further reading:

No Hooking Up, No Sex for some Coeds

The Sociology of Hooking Up

Hook-Up Survey Presented at Sociology Conference

The hookup culture: Having casual relationships is the new dating

Crime on Campus

One of our greatest fears as parents is what might happen to our children when they go away to college. Since we aren’t there to protect them, we worry that they might become crime victims. Preparing your college-bound teen for all the scenarios will ease your mind and help them stay safe.

Here’s a guest post by Lauren Joffe for The Real College Guide, addressing the safety issues on campus.

Two Towson University students were recently held at gunpoint, robbed and assaulted with a crowbar in their dorm room. Former University of Alabama in Huntsville biology professor Amy Bishop is currently being tried for capital murder for gunning down three colleagues at a faculty meeting. And who can forget the Virginia Tech massacre in which 32 people were shot to death by a student?

Aside from the sad situations recounted above, there have been dozens of similar incidents of crime on campus in recent years. It’s a harsh reality. So how prepared are you in the event that such a threat occurs at your school? And more important, how well-prepped is your college?

Are Colleges Prepared for Crime on Campus?
In a study published last year in Radiologic Technology, emergency preparedness plans from 28 different higher education institutions were put under scrutiny. The research, led by Northwestern State University in Louisiana professor Tammy Curtis, concluded that “most colleges are prepared for basic emergencies [such as fires or severe weather] but lack key components to successfully address mass-casualty events.” A mere five of the nearly 30 institutions reviewed had policies regarding school shootings.

In the March 2010 Towson U incident, two armed and masked men entered a high-rise residence hall at midday, forcing two students to remain in a corner as the perpetrators swiped phones, computers and other possessions. Even though email alerts were issued to warn that the perpetrators could still be at large, some students aren’t satisfied.

Says Towson freshman Sam Missan: “I am upset with how these suspects got into the towers, especially with a gun. Towson did not send out any emails with a follow-up or safety tips, aside from a basic notification about what happened, which in my opinion, isn’t fair to the students. Knowing that a man with a gun can get into my dorm at 3:30 in the afternoon is unacceptable.”

What Your School’s Emergency Plan Should Include
Visit your school’s Web site to find out what precautions are in place in the event of such a crisis. As noted in Curtis’ study, the president of Virginia Tech mandated several internal reviews following the VT tragedy to evaluate the school’s existing emergency plan. The review committees’ recommendations included the following (things you should expect from your own school’s emergency plan):

1. Classroom door locks that are modified.

2. Video surveillance cameras, centrally located and monitored.

3. Electronic key cards for controlled access to facilities.

4. Mass communication outlets (e.g., phones and Internet access) within classrooms.

5. Frequent emergency drills.

6. Emergency response protocol with awareness education.

7. Campus security committee and master plan.

Do you feel your school’s plan is falling short? Make noise about it by forming a student group to address concerns with university officials. This kind of proactive approach is a recurring theme when it comes to preventing crime on campus.

How to Prevent Crime on Campus
“Prevention activities are proactive approaches designed to address issues before events happen,” writes Curtis in her study. “Actions include assessing emotional well-being of employees and students, physical and environmental hazards, campus culture and climate, and the safety and security of the environment.”

If a student has violent tendencies or exhibits otherwise suspect behavior, immediately notify campus police — some schools have adopted protocol whereby an analysis of a given student’s threat level is conducted. Meanwhile, if you lose an identification card that permits access to any campus buildings, notify the university so the card’s capabilities can be deactivated. Moreover, never allow building access to somebody who is not authorized to enter.

“From now on, I’m going to be more aware,” says Missan, “especially looking through my peephole and keeping my door locked at all times. I am never going to open a door for a person I do not know.”

Crime on Your Campus: What to Do
If — perish the thought — you find yourself in a crisis situation, again it’s crucial to be proactive. Says Randy Spivey, executive director of the Center for Personal Protection and Safety: “A proactive survival mindset, a belief that you can take control and survive, is a critical factor in determining whether you become a victim or survivor of aggressors. History shows that the immediate action of people on the scene is the most effective way to minimize or stop violence.”

CPPS has developed an instructional DVD for students, titled Shots Fired on Campus: Guidance for Surviving an Active Shooter Situation, available for individual purchase. The program is designed to train students to prevent and survive a school shooting.

Here are some fundamental safety response measures:

  • Have an “out” strategy. Try to escape from the building, even if it’s through a low-level window.
  • Lock yourself in a room if you are in the same building with a shooter but unable to get out. Duck down and turn off all lights.
  • Students should scatter when in the same room with the offender instead of huddling in a corner, which can provide an easy target for a shooter.

Make use of cell phones whenever possible, to call 911 or to text someone for help.

The Naked Roommate

And 107 Other Issues You Might Run Into in College (Updated 3rd edition)

This week I’m reviewing another of Harlan Cohen’s books and can I just say one word: WOW! This book addresses everything you always wanted to know about college roommates but were afraid to ask…and so much more.

With graduation approaching, this book should be your #1 graduation gift for every college-bound teen. They should read it before heading off to college and carry it with them to campus. Harlan describes his book in the introduction:

It’s based on what today’s college students are honestly thinking, feeling, and doing on today’s college campuses. High schools do a great job of getting students into college, but once on campus, few students know what to expect. That’s what this book is all about–to help you expect the unexpected so that when the unexpected shows up, it won’t be so hard to handle.

The book is published in an easy to read, reference and remember format:

  • The Tip–Simple tips to address each specific subject: arriving on campus, residence halls,  roommates, finding friends, getting involved, Greek life, life inside the classroom, dating and relationships, sex, drinking, drugs, money, things not mentioned in the college brochure, and finally saying goodbye when you graduate.
  • The story behind the tip–These are actual college stories from actual students worded in such a way that your college-bound teen can relate to and understand.
  • The advice–After the tip and the story, comes the advice. This consists of experience (from Harlan and others) and often from college professionals weighing in on the problem.
  • The Bottom Line–Harlan summarizes what your college-bound teen needs to learn from the tip and puts it into simple, easy to remember language.
  • Harlan’s Tip Sheet–This appears at the end of each chapter offering resources, websites, summary tips and additional information.

This book is easy to read and packed with tips and information for the soon-to-be college student. Invest in this book if you’re a parent of a college-bound teen because college is all about Tip#1-Expect the Unexpected!

Parents–Can you handle the truth?

We all know that famous line from A Few Good Men, “You want the truth? You can’t handle the truth!” It’s hard sometimes to face the facts about the college environment and what your son or daughter will be exposed to while living on campus. Sometimes we would rather remain ignorant.

When my daughter and son were teenagers we used the term TMI (too much information). As they went off to college and the Marine Corps, I found myself using that term more often when they wanted to inform me of risks they had taken or went into detailed descriptions of their friend’s sex escapades (ewww…TMI!)

Too much information can be a bit overwhelming at times. But having the RIGHT information can and will ease your mind as your college-bound teen prepares for college and leaving home. In that vein, I’d like to share some helpful sites that I gathered while reading The Happiest Kid on Campus by Harlan Cohen. (Check out my review of the book and pick yourself up a copy).

Students with Disabilities

If your college-bound teen has a learning disability, you will want to know the procedures and programs on campus that give them the proper academic support. You can follow the link below from the Department of Education to learn about the programs and services that are provided in post-secondary education.


Every parent worries about their child’s safety when they go away to college. When you begin to consider specific colleges, it’s helpful to know about the crime statistics on campus. The link below will provide you with specific campus crime data regarding residence halls, disciplinary action, criminal offenses, and drug and liquor violations.


I was confronted with hazing when my daughter pledged a sorority in college. It angered me and I didn’t know where to turn for help. If your teen is considering Greek life while in college, familiarize yourself with http://www.HazingPrevention.org. It will provide you with links to state laws, resources and vital information.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

This is every parent’s nightmare but having this information will help your help your teen know the facts before they head off to college and a world where “hooking up” is commonplace among students. Follow the link below to learn about what Harlan Cohen calls “common college sex souvenirs”.

Alcohol Abuse

Binge drinking is as common on college campuses as eating and sleeping. The unfortunate fact is that even though your college-bound teen will enter campus as an underage adult, alcohol will be readily available. Take some time before they leave to talk to them about the dangers of alcohol. Here are some links that might help:

Sexual Assault and Harassment

Since we’ve established that sex on campus will happen, it stands to reason that assaults and harassment will also occur. Your teen needs to know BEFORE they move into the dorm what to do and how to respond if/when these situations arise. Follow the links below to gather information and talking points for your child and make them aware of the resources that are available to them.

College websites

Spend some time on college websites. Read the student forums. Read the student newspaper. Check out the college pages on Facebook and follow them on Twitter. Learn all you can about the colleges your teen is considering so that you can help them make an informed decision when the time comes. In this instance, TMI does not apply!

A Higher Higher Education

Today’s guest post by Corey Bobco of The Real College Guide addresses the topic of taking honors classes in college–the pros and cons. If your college-bound teen is considering this option, this article should be of some help in making the decision to jump into the honors curriculum in higher education.


Are you registered for an honors class or teetering on the edge of “I’m too freakin’ lazy to challenge myself”? Before you “yay” or “nay” the big league, you need the inside info to decide if the honors track or an honors course is worth the extra work — and whether you can take the heat.Back in the Day

In high school, what generally distinguished honors (or advanced placement) courses from their standard-level counterparts was that honors classes issued more homework, required more studying and demanded more self-initiative. (But, hey, they looked damn good on your college apps!)

Some high schools require a recommendation or certain GPA to get into a higher-level course. Some offer rewards for taking honors, such as a weighed GPA (on a scale of 0 to 5.0, rather than 0 to 4.0), which explains why those studious, overachievers put themselves through the pain of it all. Other high schools offer no tangible benefits besides a challenge and the risk of ruining a near-perfect GPA.

In the Big League

Your college will have its own unique requirements and policies regarding eligibility and grading scales, so you should definitely check that out sooner than later. One consistency: Like in high school, honors classes in college can be a hell of a lot harder than basic-level courses. So why bother? Not to sound like Mom, but you’re in college to challenge yourself. And you have little to lose, since your college grades often carry less weight than your high school grades. (That is, unless your GPA is securing financial aid, maintaining your parents’ financial support or going on your med, law or grad school applications. In such a case, take extra caution in assessing your capabilities, since risking damage to your GPA can mess up your chances of staying in school and moving on up to bigger and better.)

Clearly, honors courses differ at every school. Here are general details, pros, cons and tips:

Class Size

Pro: Typically, honors classes are smaller seminars with only 10 to 25 students. A small class size means you can develop a relationship with your instructor — and that he or she may actually know your name! This could prove handy when you need extra help, guidance on a big paper or project, a deadline extension, a letter of recommendation or even a lead on a summer internship.

Con: Smaller, niche classes mean extra attention is paid to attendance so your instructor will notice if you’re a frequent no-show. Plus, it will become painfully obvious if you come to class unprepared.


Pro: Honors classes often focus on a highly specific niche topic, like Caribbean literature and film since 1920. If you are super interested in that — or whatever topic is being offered — then don’t think twice about signing up for a semester’s worth of it, since classes that excite you make extra work worth the effort.

Con: Papers, texts and readings will probably be more challenging than a vanilla English Lit 101.


Pro: Class time in an honors course has great potential to be interesting, since the format of smaller classes tends to be open discussion rather than basic lecture. Plus, part of your grade may be determined by your level of participation, an objective measure you can use to up a not-so-hot score. Don’t be shy!

Con: You may have to participate … and think critically. In order to do either, you will have to complete the course requirements — that is, every page of every reading assignment.

Insider Tips

  • Don’t be scared of the big “H” Some honors program courses are actually easier in comparison to the gut-wrenching AP biology and calculus you might have taken in high school.
  • Ensure your enrollment One tried-and-true trick is to sign up for a few extra credits than you need to take in one semester — especially when you’re thinking about trying out an honors-level course. In the first week of the semester, swing by the class, assess the syllabus and size up the instructor. If it no longer interests you or seems like the workload would take time away from your other classes’ work (aka your social life), then you can drop it without worrying about having enough credits to graduate on time or finding another class to replace it.
  • Avoid large lecture honors classes These cover topics at an introductory level with a broader focus, but they might have as many as 80 students and lack the perks of an intimate class setting. And lecture series — honors or otherwise — can seriously bore you to death.
  • Seek smart company Honors courses do more than fine-tune your interests and work your brain into a sweat. As a reward for taking on the challenge, they’ll place you among the brightest of your peers and introduce you to faculty members who can offer new perspectives and solid career advice.

Why College Students Cheat

Here’s an article written by David Replogle, a University of Virginia student, for The Real College Guide. It’s a topic you should discuss with your college-bound teens because the risks and the consequences of cheating far outweigh the perceived benefits.


On my honor, I have neither given nor received aid on this examination. This is the honor code of my college, University of Virginia, and what I’m required to scribble after every test. A student convicted of violating the code can be removed from the university, and say goodbye to paid tuition. Harsh. But…students still cheat. So what’s behind this risk-taking behavior?

A few instructors and professors have actually asked. Here’s your cheat sheet to their findings on why college students cheat:

WHY? Cheating Can Be Rationalized

After realizing that nearly three-fourths of his class had cheated on a take-home exam, one instructor and his colleagues at Iowa State University College of Business conducted a 2006 study examining how students bend the rules:

Researchers found an ego-based climate in which students justify their actions through rationalizing, minimizing and even blaming. “Factors that can be used to encourage ethical behavior can also be manipulated to encourage behavior that is unethical,” the researchers determined.

Respondents blamed the professor for assigning answers that could be found online and for not assuming students would collude on the assignment. They also focused on more serious offenses of cheating and questioned whether certain actions could even be constituted as cheating.

WHY? Everybody Else is Cheating

Indeed, “everyone cheats” was the rationale of some respondents in the Iowa study. And in a TED lecture from last year, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Dan Ariely describes several experiments in which he found not “a few people who cheated a lot” but instead “a lot of people who cheat a little bit.”

Interestingly, he also found what he dubs “endemic” cheating. “If somebody from our ‘in’ group cheats, we feel it is more appropriate to behave this way,” Ariely explains. “But if it’s somebody we don’t want to associate ourselves with — from another university or another group — people cheat less.”

WHY? Cheating’s Getting a Lot Easier

Between smartphones, online courses and hundreds of Web outlets where students can download or custom-order essays, technology makes cheating more accessible than ever. One UVA English professor, who wishes to remain anonymous, says she no longer leaves the room when administering tests: “The number of students who have Internet on their cell phones makes me downright paranoid, and I just can’t trust that they won’t feel tempted to use them.”

School administrators are looking for ways to combat this trend. In a recent study published in the MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, researchers note that Troy University is exploring moves to ensure academic integrity, including subjecting students to fingerprint analysis, video surveillance and audio recording when taking online courses.

WHY? There’s So Much Pressure

As college stresses mount, it certainly can be tempting to search for an answer key online, copy a worksheet from a friend or even plagiarize a few sentences for that six-page paper that’s due. “It’s always a struggle to keep up the GPA, not just for yourself but for your parents too,” says Tiffany Morris, an Auburn University junior. “Your GPA follows you after you’re done, and I think that’s one of the greatest motivators behind kids cheating.”

The demands of college can be daunting, to say the least. “It’s always a balance. I’m living in my sorority house this year, chairing a committee and trying to cope with a double major,” says Chelsea Bradley, a junior at Virginia Polytechnic Institute. “I guess one of the biggest detractors to cheating for me is knowing that it’s not a good thing to do.”

As it turns out, moral prompts can trump the urge to cheat even under pressure. In one of Ariely’s MIT experiments, he asked participants to recall 10 books they had read in high school and others to recall the Ten Commandments. Says Ariely, “The people given the opportunity to recall the Ten Commandments did not cheat at all.”

WHY NOT? Cheating Totally Isn’t Worth It

Whatever your moral code, you stand to lose a lot by cheating. One of the most controversial decisions in the history of the UVA Honor Committee came last spring, when fourth-year student Jason Smith was found guilty of lying about an assignment in a pass/fail one-credit course. It resulted in his expulsion.

“The Jason Smith case was sobering,” says Sam Beaver, a UVA junior and former Honor Committee support officer. “It just goes to remind you that any little thing can come back to haunt you.”

Scoring FREE stuff on campus

Everybody like freebies. Taking advantage of all the freebies that are given away on campus to college students is a MUST. Teaching your kids to watch for them is all part of being an effective parent college coach.. Why pay for something when it’s available for FREE?

By Lauren Joffe for The Real College Guide

It’s no urban legend: Free stuff is doled out on college campuses all the time. But it’s up to you to scout out where to find these complementary goods. From pizza to plane tickets to straight-up cash, we show you what you can get and how to score it … so keep reading.


Free Entertainment
Get tickets to concerts, sporting events, art exhibits, theater openings, forums and lectures.

How to score: Use your student ID card as an all-access pass. Every campus has a student union building, and if you’re unfamiliar with it, we suggest you become acquainted, since it’s plastered with bulletin boards announcing free upcoming events for students.

Free Food
Get free pizza, soda, snacks or breakfast, depending on the time of day.

How to score: Attend club meetings. “If you look in your student building and sign up for all the listservs, you will know when clubs and residence halls are giving away free food,” says New York University sophomore Doreen Naor. “With breakfast, you can basically always get muffins and coffee, and for real meals, most clubs give out pizza.” Join three clubs that meet weekly, and you’re looking at three regularly scheduled meals.

We also like CampusFood.com, where you can play online games that earn coupons for your next restaurant visit. A few clicks at a mindless computer game, and you can have yourself a free meal. Not too shabby!

Free Cash
Earn hard cash (typically from $5 to $10 for about an hour of your time — could be up to $100). No taxes taken out, no checks.

How to score: Participate in a focus group or study, which typically requires very little effort, such as filling out an easy survey. Head over to the campus psychology building, where you’ll find volunteer recruitment flyers.

Focus group companies pay more for your input. If your school is in a metropolitan area, check out focus group centers in need of college student participants. Go to FindFocusgroups.com to scope out opportunities near you.

Free Swag
Pick up product samples, coupons, gift certificates and other giveaway items, including iTunes cards, DVD players and even airline tickets.

How to score: “All you have to do is open your eyes and pay attention,” says NYU junior Annie Baer. “There are always people giving away free things [on campus].” Marketing companies often hire student reps to hold major promotions that often include giveaways and contests on college campuses. Next time you see a student rep giving out samples, ask if the campaign offers any other giveaways.

Note: You can get updates about sponsored events and contests directly from the source. By becoming a Facebook fan of brands or products you like, you can get automatic updates about big promotions and giveaways, and be the first to know about any contests they might be hosting.

Smart ways to live cheaper on campus

Here’s some great tips to help parents help their college-bound teens save some money when they go off to college. Take notes and start implementing these strategies into their lives BEFORE they leave for college.

By David Replogle for The Real College Guide

Living on a shoestring budget? Whether your parents float you funds or you’re pulling a part-time paying gig, here’s how to stre——-tch every precious penny.

piggy-bankBroke — it’s a common catch in student jargon. “OMG, I broke my phone at that rager last night” or “I just broke up with my girlfriend ’cause she was cheating on me with my best bud.” But when used as an adjective, the word describes the financial status of most college kids.

Unless Dad is handing over his preferred platinum card or you strike it rich selling those musty ol’ Pokemon cards, you’ll have to get by on meager means. Here are some painless ways to get major bang for your buck … even if it’s your last buck.

Put the “Eat” in Creativity

Whether you’re craving a change from the monotonous glop of the dining hall, celebrating a friend’s birthday at a nearby bistro or taking a study break to go for a late-night munch, your wallet will take a hit. Cutting back on these extravagances means getting clever.

  1. Buy in bulk When stashing snacks in your room, think long term. Talk to your roommates about pitching in for some grub, then head to the nearest warehouse retail chain to stock up on industrial-sized cheaper-in-the-long-run crates of Ramen packets and other non-perishables. Many discount clubs offer collegiate membership rates, and some give free introductory one-time shopping passes for non-members to bypass the annual fee altogether.
  2. Use the student discount Grocery stores, restaurants and even places on campus usually have discounts for students. Even if you don’t see it advertised, it doesn’t hurt to ask. Have your student ID at all times. It could save 15 percent on that panini or score you a free dessert!
  3. Sniff out free food Complimentary chow is almost as popular on campus as the latest gossip on CollegeACB. “Club meetings and churches are always looking to give out food to potential new members,” says Robby Panos, a University of Virginia junior. Philanthropic bashes and school-sponsored speaker events are also prime time for gratis grubs. Grab a slice of pizza and take in a lecture.
  4. Have a drink on me Students pour beaucoup bucks down the drain when indulging in conveniences like Starbucks and bottled water. Invest in a coffeemaker so you can brew your own, and get yourself a travel mug. Pick up a refillable water bottle too if your college’s tap is tolerable. Bonus: It’s better for the environment.

That’s Entertainment

Life doesn’t have to be a snore just because your pockets are empty. Money buys neither happiness nor a stellar social life. You can get out and about without tossing around a ton of green.

  1. Be art smart Your campus is probably rife with free productions, concerts and workshops. Problem is, nobody really hears about them … and when people do, the enthusiasm is usually lower than the grade on your last calculus test. Time to do some research (track down calendars of events), gather up your dorm mates and head to the next pay-what-you-can play or free movie screening. Even if it’s bad, you’ll get a few laughs — or at least the opportunity to heckle!
  2. Speak Greek Not joining a frat or sorority will save you a lot of cash right out the gate. But what happens when you want to get into the best party of the year and don’t have the connections? Exchange names of brothers and sisters you know with friends and ask them to do the same — on most college campuses, name dropping is the ticket to free admission. Once you’re inside, you’ll get beverages … and if you’re lucky, maybe even a few phone numbers.
  3. Out on the town Be in the know too when it comes to events in neighboring areas. Community organizations often host free outdoor festivals with live music. Local restaurants have early-bird specials. Theater workshops and art galleries frequently offer free or reduced admission. (Again, don’t forget to ask about student rates.) Read newspapers and pay attention to fliers. It could pay off.
  4. Any singles? If you have a significant other who saps all your savings, it may be time to have a chat about cutting back on unnecessary costs or to ask your partner to pull his or her own weight. If this person is not important to you, you may even consider living the single life for now. Romantic dinners and little gifts add up. Is it worth it? Your call.

Shop Till You Plop

Enter upscale department stores and exclusive boutiques at your own risk, but you don’t have to totally give up the urge to splurge. Just tone it down a few notches.

  1. Clothes the deal Punch up your wardrobe without breaking the bank: shop clearance racks. (The best ones are where an additional markdown is given to already slashed prices.) Look for one-of-a-kind finds in thrift and consignment stores. Pick up inexpensive accessories at discount stores and chain boutiques.
  2. Gotta dollar? Discover the beauty of the dollar store. It’s great for party supplies, stationery, candles, soaps, toiletries and tons more. Whether you’re buying useless trinkets or practical necessities, think about it: You can walk in there with a 10-spot and leave with lots of loot. Heck, you can scrape together a dollar plus tax in pocket change and treat yourself to something.
  3. Be a coupon king or queen Keep a lookout for coupons on one-day shopping events at major department stores. Also sign up for email notifications of store specials and be sure to check online for Internet coupons before making a big purchase. (Restaurants and fast food chains run a lot of coupon specials too, so keep your eyes on the prize.)
  4. Beauty booty Ladies, fine department stores dole out free samples at the cosmetics counters. Want to road test a lip color or facial moisturizer or new perfume? March on over there with an air of confidence and ask the consultant to show you some options. She’ll likely give you mini-sized products to try at home.
  5. What a card! If you’re a die-hard shopaholic experiencing severe withdrawal, hold off before reaching into your cash stash by keeping in mind that the holidays are right around the bend. “It might be painful to wait all semester,” says Appalachian State senior Diane Vachon, “but soon enough you’ll have a dozen gift cards with your name on them.”

Common Cents

Ask not what you can do for your school but what your school can do for you. Universities give back to their student patrons in plenty of ways, so take advantage.

  1. Be book smart The library isn’t just for studying, using the Net and people-watching. It actually contains books — a revelation, I know. If you’re taking subjects like lit, history or philosophy, the library could relieve a big financial burden. Instead of turning to the expensive school bookstore (or even Amazon) for a book, do a quick search on the libe’s browser to see if it’s available. Then drop-kick the kid who’s about to check it out.
  2. Get off your lazy butt If you have access to the campus gym and you’re paying for a pricey fitness membership, stop. Other free-of-charge physical activities: walking, jogging, hiking, in-line skating, riding your bike, a pickup basketball game, lifting weights in your room, dropping to the floor to do sit-ups and push-ups … shall we go on?
  3. Let’s make a deal You’re a smart cookie, so figure out how to split costs with your roommate. Double up on your laundry to save quarters. Share a printer, swap playlists and take the same cab home from a party. And if you’re both heading out of town, consider carpooling. Even if you and your roomie aren’t the best of buds, a road trip is always less taxing when there’s company … and music.
  4. Hop on that job “The No. 1 thing I can say is find a job on campus,” offers up Wabash College junior Mack O’Shaughnessy. “It’s the best way to get some extra cash in your pocket.” On-campus stores and restaurants are often hiring. Just don’t tell the folks: You still need someone’s sympathy, especially when it comes in the form of a crisp Benjamin.

The 3-year college degree

By Lauren Joffe for The Real College Guide

Heads up, traditionalists! A radical new idea promotes kissing the four-year academic program buh-bye and saying hello to a three-year system.

As accustomed as we are to its infrastructure, it would take some serious shaking up to rattle the U.S. education system. Yet Robert Zemsky, chairman of the Learning Alliance for Higher Education at the University of Pennsylvania and author of Making Reform Work: The Case for Transforming American Higher Education, is advocating for major changes on university campuses — most notably a three-year college program.

Zemsky argues that given today’s economic, political and technological climate, it’s time for Americans to minimize cost, unnecessary resources and wasted time repeating coursework. His proposed plan would cause a drastic uplifting of the current system, impacting high schools as well. But it is Zemsky’s hope that reform ultimately would spawn a more streamlined institution. While the government might not be ready to back such lofty plans, the real question is: Are you?

How will students benefit from such reform?
According to Professor Zemsky, shifting to a more sequenced, regimented three-year program will save students time and money — cutting tuition costs by a whopping 25 percent. This is less moolah out of your pocket, not to mention additional interest that builds up as you work to pay off hefty loans. At the very foundation, students would pay for 90 credits over the typical 120.

In a contemporary society where minimizing time and financial expenditures ranks high on to-do lists, it seems almost given that a new system should be put into place. Right? Not necessarily. For one, the program basically assumes all undergrads will go on for a post-grad or m3-year-degreeasters degree. “If you want college to help vocationally, you have to go beyond the undergrad,” says Zemsky. Under the new system, college would be a breeding ground whereby students learn the basics of a particular trade. It is then in graduate school that learning would become truly vocational.

So how would high schools be affected by this change?
High school seniors are infamously plagued by “senioritis” and finding ways to sidestep mundane assignments. Zemsky proposes doing away with wasteful course schedules during senior year and instead modeling it after the current freshman year of college. He suggests pre-college seniors take some of the basic humanities and sciences normally taken by college freshmen.

Zemsky tells us in a phone interview, “High schools would need to make assessments at a ninth-grade level as to whether a student is making progress to be ‘college-ready.’ Remediation would take place at this time rather than at the first year of college. The 10th and 11th grade levels would look the same, and the 12th grade would become equivalent to the first year of college. There would be an alignment so that senior year of high school sets students up for freshman year of college.”

What is the downside of a three-year college program?
Some students feel it’s unreasonable to be expected to choose a major and commit at age 18. And indeed, the pressure is really on if the typical college career were condensed. “I don’t know what I plan on majoring in,” says U Penn freshman Brett Levine. “In a three-year program, undecided people have less time to explore new subject areas.

“Even with people who know what they want to study, a three-year program would surely be more demanding if requirements for majors or graduate schools admissions stay the same. A lot of pre-meds and engineering students have difficulty satisfying graduation requirements as is. For undecided students like myself, the variety of course options is incredible. It allows me to explore new subject areas unavailable in high school.”

Says Zemsky: “Students are given endless choices, but it’s expensive. It confuses lots of people, and it takes longer to graduate because they get lost. Redesign the curriculum so it is not a smorgasbord of options.” Say goodbye to elective courses too, because in this system, there’s no room for classes that do not directly relate to your plan of study.

How would such lofty goals be implemented?
Zemsky doesn’t kid himself into thinking this would be a minor undertaking: “To really kick off reform, it would take an invitation from the president. I can’t imagine this happening without presidential leadership.” And, yes, he’s referring to the president of the United States.

In a recent Newsweek article, Zemsky argues his position by stating, “Everything around us — technology, medicine, politics — has changed … and [higher education] will too have to rethink what we are about.”

Still, Levine questions the practicality of Zemsky’s proposal. “A three-year program would essentially make college an even more stressful period. It would probably restrict options for traveling abroad, which many students value. It has many potential benefits for some students. People who know they want to major in economics, political science, Spanish or other relatively less intense majors may only need three years. However, others need four to prepare for graduate school or their desired career.”

And furthermore, Levine adds, “Socially, it obviously restricts the amount of time commonly dubbed ‘the best years of your life.’”

What do you think? Do you think our kids are growing up too fast? Do you think a 3-year degree is a wise educational choice?

In the News: Videos as part of admissions applications

With technology progressing faster than we can keep up with it, Tufts University is inviting prospective students to post one-minute videos on YouTube telling the university a little something about themselves.  According to an article in The New York Times: The Choice, one of the dean of admissions at Tufts came up with the idea:

Lee Coffin, the dean of undergraduate admissions, said the idea came to him last spring, when watching a YouTube video someone had sent him. “I thought, ‘If this kid applied to Tufts, I’d admit him in a minute, without anything else,’” Mr. Coffin said.

Some of the YouTube video submissions have garnered quite a following; opening an interesting debate about privacy online.

One new company, has come up with a solution to having the whole world view your admissions video: MyCollegei. They have partnered with colleges to allow your college-bound teen to post their video FREE of charge and create a video that will give colleges an insight into who they are and find that “perfect-fit” student for their college community, while maintaining the student’s privacy.

Here’s a GREAT video presentation of the service, describing what they offer and how they have created a user-friendly site for students who want to get that extra edge in the admissions process. (Just click the graphic!)


Admissions officers are always looking for that “perfect-fit” student and videos are an excellent way to see beyond the traditional application and essay. And after all, teens today have grown up using technology. As colleges strive to keep up with the times, this is just another way that prospective students can communicate their creativity and passion.