Tag Archives: college

Finding the perfect "fit" (for college)

collegeThis week, I’ve been spending time at College Week Live’s virtual college fair. I’ve been gathering information and gleaning some excellent tips about the college admissions process. What makes this advice unique? It’s  straight from the horses mouth: admissions officers.  You can’t get any more “hands on” than that and it’s the best place I know to get caught up on the latest admissions information.

Yesterday, I watched a “live” video interview with Peter Van Buskirk, the author of ” Winning the College Admission Game” and a former admissions officer. He spoke about that “perfect fit” and how important it was to find it. When asked by a student, “how do you determine if a college is the right fit?”, Peter first said to overlook all the emotional motives:

  • Your friends are going there
  • Your parents went there
  • You like the football team
  • Your boyfriend/girlfriend has chosen it

He said once you remove those emotional motives, you can concentrate on five criteria that will help you determine whether or not the college is a “perfect fit”:

  1. A place that provides the academic program that meets your needs.
  2. A place that provides the style of instruction that best fits your learning style.
  3. A place that provides a level of rigor and challenge equal to your ability.
  4. A place that feels like home.
  5. A place that values you for what you do well.

According to Peter (and I completely agree) you should encourage your teen to “chew” on each of these and think about what it is they want to get out of a college education. College is more than bricks and mortar and a place to get a diploma. It’s a place where the mind is challenged, social interaction abounds, friendships are formed and a place your college-bound teen will call home for at least four years of their life. That “perfect fit” will assure your teen is comfortable, challenged and ready to learn.

If you would like to hear all of the interview, visit College Week Live and go to the presentations tab. There are numerous presentations available to watch, along with additional information to help you help your college-bound teen find that “perfect fit”.

Also, check out Peter’s website, The Admission Game, on the events tab to see if he’ll be speaking at a school near you.

A Virtual College Fair: CollegeWeekLive

Times they are a’changin! When my kids were making those college decisions, we had to get in the car, head out to a college fair held at our local convention center, and fight our way through the crowds, hoping to snag some one on one time with the busy college representatives.


Today, you have another option. CollegeWeekLive.com offers a virtual college fair from November 4-7. It’s a GREAT opportunity to get the “inside scoop” from admissions professionals and even CHAT with college representatives and students. According to their website:

CollegeWeekLive attendees can watch admissions experts speak on topics such as how to prepare for the SAT, how to write a winning application essay or how to pay for college and have questions answered via live chat. Attendees can also video chat with college students and learn what campus life is really like. The event features scholarships and special promotions available only to those who attend.

And..here’s the BEST part. It’s ABSOLUTELY FREE. Click here to sign up and add events to your Outlook Calendar. What could be easier? I know I will be attending. And…if you’re a parent of a college-bound teen, you don’t want to miss it. It’s your opportunity to gain some knowledge and ask those questions you’ve been saving for the experts.

Mark your calendars and don’t miss a single session. This is an invaluable resource for parents and college-bound teens.

College Admissions Essays


According to a recent article in the NY Times–The Choice, the college essay should be looked at like “a first date”. Chad Hemmelgarn, an English teacher at Bexley High School, in Columbus Ohio, said, “It’s kind of like a first date. You’re telling us the stuff that makes you special.” He was speaking as part of a panel at an annual forum in New York sponsored by The College Board.

When you think about it, that’s a great analogy. The essay is a way for you to let the admissions committee get to know you and an opportunity for you to focus on your strengths. Here are some tips that Mr. Hemmelgarn recommends that your teen can use when approaching the essay:

  1. Write some sample essays using actual questions from college applications–Look at the actual college applications for those questions and topics.
  2. Divide the essays into two categories: Why you? and Why us?–Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you (Why you?); Why are you considering our University (Why us?).
  3. Write as many essays as you can for practice–Have them evaluated by a teacher, your parents, and/or your counselor.
  4. Do your research if necessary and always answer the question–The college is looking to find something out about you and ascertain how you will be a good fit for their community of students.
  5. Don’t let your parents write the essay–Admissions counselors can spot those immediately and it’s a good way to have your application put in the “rejection” stack.

As a parent college coach, it’s your responsibility to guide your teen throughout the application process. Offer encouragement and feedback on their essay content. Help them brainstorm about a topic to use. Encourage them to spend some time thinking about what they want colleges to know about them.

And remember: Preparation Prevents Panic!

Following the Yellow Brick Road

yellowbrickroadI spent some time today surfing. Not at the beach (I never learned to surf after living on the Gulf for over 30 years). I was surfing around doing some “follow the yellow brick road” path. I like to call it that because one link, leads to another, leads to another and you find an Emerald City at the end! That’s the great thing about following links: you never know where they will take you and what adventures you will have along the way.
These are the jewels I found today. I couldn’t help but pass them along to all my parent readers (and fans!):

This is an amazing website for college planning. It’s interactive and tons of fun. It’s not your typical boring college information site. It’s a fun place to start the search for middle schoolers with schedules and tips all the way through high school. Whaz up dudes and dudettes…check this one out! (I know I’m not hip but I try)

Wow. This is NOT your avearage college tour site. This one has moxy and some genuine off the wall creativity. There are video tours that ROCK, a message board, cool 3D maps, games, career videos and ways to connect with other college students. Check this one out and get in the “mood for college”!
I had to plop one in just for the parents. This is the BEST, I said BEST, site for everything you want to know about financing that college education but were afraid to ask. Remember guys: DENIAL is NOT a river in Egypt. Knowledge is power. The more you know the more prepared you will be. So take a deep breath and jump in!
As my daughter would say…”cool beans”. This is a site where you can find and be found by colleges, scholarships and other college programs. A GREAT networking site and a place to connect and set up an online presence.

This site is Twitterific! Yes, I did say that. Keep up with college life on Twitter: students, colleges, faculty, clubs, and more. Stay on top of the latest college and student news via all the great Twitter links. And, there’s an option to “follow all” if you are so possessed. Whew…I’ll just follow…EVERYONE!

Frame My Future Scholarship Contest - Click here to go to framemyfuture.com and find out about $6,000 in scholarship awards!

No “yellow brick road” search would be complete without unearthing a scholarship. And this one is a great one. Here is how you enter to win…Submit a creation that shares with us what you want to achieve in your personal and professional life after college. Your entry can be a photograph, collage, poem, drawing, painting, graphic design piece, short typed explanation, or anything YOU can create in an image! Your entry should communicate: This is how I “Frame My Future.”

That ends my search for today. I think I can safely say I found the “Emerald City” because every one of those links can take your teen closer to their dream of a college education.

But right now, I’m OFF TO SEE THE WIZARD!

Parents of High School Freshmen: It's time to view your course options

high-school-courses-thumb7673077The U.S. Department of Education has compiled a list of courses for the college-bound student that is recommended by higher education associations and guidance counselors. These courses are specifically recommended for students that want to attend a four-year college. Even if your teen is leaning toward community college, junior college, or a technical college, they should still consider these courses. They provide the preparation necessary for all types of postsecondary education. Although academic requirements differ among colleges, the admissions requirements listed below are typical for four-year colleges. The specific classes listed here are examples of the types of courses students can take.

English–4 Years  (American Literature, English Composition, English Literature, World Literature (many schools offer English I, II, III and IV which combines all these within the yearly offerings)

Mathematics–3-4 Years   (Algebra I, Algebra II, Calculus, Geometry, Precalculus, Trigonometry)

History/Geography–2-3 years  (Civics, Geography, U.S. History, World History, U.S. Government, World Cultures, World Geography)

Science–2-4 years (Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Physics, Marine Science)

Visual/Performing Arts–1 year (Art, Dance, Drama, Music, Band, Orchestra)

Foreign Language–2-4 years

Challenging Electives–1-3 years  (Communications, Computer Science, Economics, Psychology, Statistics)

Mathematical skills and scientific concepts and skills learned in challenging math classes are used in many disciplines outside of these specific courses.

Traditional English courses will help students improve their reading comprehension and also their writing skills and vocabulary. All of these skills are part of the SAT and ACT college aptitude tests.

History and geography help your teen better understand their society as well as other societies and governments around the world. Learning from history is a valuable tool in teaching your teen that there are consequences to all of our actions.

Encourage your teen to participate in the arts disciplines (visual or performing). Studies show that students who do often do better in school and on standardized tests. The arts also give them a richer understanding of history, science, literature and math, as well as helping to spur their creativity and ignite their passion. Many college admissions staff view participation in the arts as a valuable experience that broadens student’s understanding and appreciation of the world around them.

That All-Important Counselor Connection

hs-counselorBefore or at the beginning of your teen’s freshman year, make an appointment to meet with the guidance counselor. This meeting will let the counselor know that you are an involved parent and that you will be taking an active role during your teen’s high school years. It will also serve to establish a relationship between your teen and the counselor which will benefit them in the future as they begin to require more and more help with the college application process.

Here are some questions you should ask at that meeting:

  • What basic academic courses do you recommend for students who want to go to college?
  • How many years of each academic subject does the high school require for graduation?
  • What elective courses do you recommend for college-bound students?
  • Can students who are considering college get special help or tutoring?
  • What activities can students do at home or over the summer to strengthen their preparation for college?
  • What do different colleges (liberal arts, business, technical, community) require in terms of high school grades and SAT or ACT scores?
  • What types of local scholarship opportunities are available?
  • Do you have scholarship applications available in your office for students to look through?

At this meeting you will also be able to, along with the counselor, map out a course plan for your teen. You and your teen will be able to communicate their interests and desires as it relates to college. This will cement in the counselor’s mind the fact that she is dealing with a motivated, goal-oriented teen with a parent that wants to participate in the process.

—>A word of advice here: Let your teen do most of the talking. The last thing you want to do is plow ahead without anyone getting a word in edgewise. This is the perfect time for you to practice “listening”-to both the counselor and your teen. You can certainly ask questions, but don’t appear to be one of those pushy parents that “demands” attention. This will work against your teen in the long run. Let the counselor know you value their advice and guidance. Don’t pretend to have all the answers (even if you think you do). Utilize this time to gather information and begin a 4-year relationship with an invaluable educational professional.

Summertime is Scholarship Search Time

scholarship3For many of you, it’s just been a few days since the school shut its doors for the summer and your teens are already showing signs of boredom. Never fear! The cure for boredom is to put them to work. Every parent knows that idle hands are the devil’s playground (great line from The Music Man). But seriously, here’s a great way to keep them occupied and productive: have them search for scholarships. There are oodles of summer scholarship opportunities. Some themed around summer, and some with summer deadlines.

FastWeb has compiled a short list of  a few that might catch your teen’s eye. And remember, not ALL scholarships are for seniors. Many of them are not age specific and if your teen starts early, by the time they are ready for college they could accumulate a nice fat college fund.

Additionally, it’s a good time to circumvent the scholarship sites and get an idea of who won this year’s prize and take a look at their submissions. It is a great way to prepare for the next year and have a head start on the competition.

There’s really NO excuse for the word “bored” to come out of your teen’s mouth!

P.S. Scroll down and take a look at the scholarship opportunities I have posted here. There are two of them that could land you teen a nice chunk of change.

Heads Up…Freshman Parents!

high school juniorsThe beginning of the school year is approaching for new high school freshmen and it’s time to start thinking about college. Yes, that’s right. It’s time to start the college preparation process so that three years down the road you aren’t scrambling to pull it all together. As a parent, your involvement during the high school years will become even more intense as a source of guidance and encouragement.

Freshman parents–>It’s time to sit them down and formulate a plan for the next four years by establishing open communication and discussion. You can do this by talking about their goals, letting them know what is expected of them, and encouraging them to take an active role in their future.

Here are some topics that you might want to discuss with them:

  • The importance of an education and how it will affect their future
  • The goals and dreams you have for them and the goals they have for  themselves
  • Any rules you have regarding study time, curfew and school activities
  • The importance of balance between school and extracurricular activities
  • The classes and activities that will promote their interests and their college aspirations
  • The value of a good reputation, strong character, and leadership
  • Talk about establishing a strong work ethic and how it will benefit them as they pursue a career

It’s also a good idea to meet with their high school counselor early in the year to discuss the 4 year course plan and establish a presence as a concerned parent. You will be amazed at how many parents become less involved with their student’s education when they enter high school. Teachers and administrators will appreciate your involvement and your teen will know that you are still involved in their lives.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Do NOT become one of those parents who push and shove and control their teen. It’s a fine line between involvement and control. Be a guide, and an encourager, not a boss or a dictator.

Will your teen be ready for college?

If you are the parent of an 8th grader, or younger, that is probably the last thing on your mind. High school looms ahead and so do the “terrible teens” and you’re just hoping to survive unscathed.

For one parent of an 8th grader, however, that question is much more prominent in the front of his mind. Michael Sparks’ daughter, Aubrey, will be skipping high school and headed off to college in the fall. She’s been bored in middle school and taken the SAT and managed to score high enough for college admission.

When I read the news story I wondered how could a 14 year old be ready for college life? My 18 year old was barely ready. As parents we try and prepare our kids for all the foreseeable scenarios that might happen once they are on their own and free from parental control and guidance. But there are always those moments when they are faced with choices and have to draw on the lessons they have learned and the values they’ve been taught.

Will your teen be ready for college? It doesn’t happen over night. It takes more than planning and preparation for the admissions process. Begin early training them on how to respond to peer pressure, making the right choices, establishing good study habits, and handling the financial aspect of being independent.

If your teen is headed for college in the fall, take a look at this post on Radical Parenting. It gives you some topics to discuss with them before they leave the nest and head off to that muchly anticipated college experience.

Blade Your Ride Scholarship

If you have a college-bound teen, (entering college in the fall) or a college student (all the way through grad school), check this scholarship opportunity out. Just click the link below for details on how to apply. The deadline is June 30, 2009, so don’t procrastinate! There are some BIG BUCKS available for the environmentally conscious.


Blade Your Ride Scholarship