Tag Archives: college

The Transition from High School to College


As your student makes the transition from high school to college, he enters a very different world. This is a world of freedom, but also responsibility. For the parents, it’s often the reality of an empty nest and the realization that their student is taking a huge step toward adulthood. This transition period offers its own set of challenges for parents, students and their families.

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The Future of Learning is Here


Traditional learning and teaching methods are no longer sufficient to meet the ever-increasing demands and challenges. As a result, the future of learning has been reshaped, ushering in a new era of educational practices, capabilities, and possibilities. From virtual reality and artificial intelligence to personalised learning and collaborative platforms, the future of education is here, and it promises to revolutionise the way we acquire knowledge, develop skills, and prepare for the challenges of tomorrow. Join us on this exhilarating exploration of the educational frontiers, where students become active participants in their learning journeys and traditional classroom boundaries are transcended. The future of learning has arrived, brimming with opportunities and transformative potential.

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Positive Parenting During College Prep


Positive parenting is about guiding, not doing. The old adage that implies “teaching is more profitable than doing” holds true with your teenagers as well. It’s important to impress upon your children the importance of an education.

It’s not beneficial to ram a specific college down their throats and tell them if they want to attend college it will be your choice. That’s not parenting, that’s dictating. And while parenting requires a certain amount of rules, it does not benefit your child to force them into a decision that does not match up with their passion.

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Making the Most of Your College Experience


Going to college is about much more than just learning an academic subject. In today’s society, it’s just about the closest thing we have to a rite of passage. Young people attend universities to become adults and survive in the real world. It’s a sort of half-way house between school and the world of work. 

As such, college isn’t just for learning. And while remote courses might be convenient, they’re not as fulfilling. Students need a university experience to set them on the right track in life and get them to where they want to be. 

Studying hard for college courses during the week is okay. But students should really focus on dedicating time to other things on campus. It can’t all just be about work. 

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New Survey Shows Parents Want to Be Involved in the College Process

college process

You probably don’t need a survey to tell you what you already know: parents are more involved in the college process than ever before. They want to participate in the decision and communicate with the colleges. They want to help and guide their students in the decision-making process.

Here’s what the survey found:

Insight #1-Parents want direct communication from colleges.

Parents want to be more involved. Parents are increasingly anxious and hands-on. Parents want communication from the college and want to participate in the college decision. They want to be involved at the same time as their students in the college search.

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5 Ways to Handle Difficult Situations in College


No one ever said that college would be easy. In fact, for many students, it can be downright difficult. From balancing classes and work to dealing with personal problems, there are a lot of situations that can arise during your time in school. If you’re not prepared for them, they can easily throw you off track. That’s why we’ve gathered some tips from the pros on how to handle difficult situations at college.

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5 Things to Make Time for Before College in the Fall


The days and weeks before your child heads off to college can be manic. You have so many things to arrange to ensure that they are prepared for flying the nest and starting classes that you rarely get a moment to sit down and think. 

However, there are a few things you should absolutely make time for before they head off to college and out of your home, including the following:

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When Parent and Student College Choices Differ

college choices

The teenage years are all about the battles. The nature of the relationship between teens and their parents lends itself to conflict. The wise parent uses these conflicts as teaching lessons. The wiser parent learns when to recognize their teen’s desire for independence and let go and when to stand firm.

The college process often brings conflict between parent and student college choices. The following is a list of do’s and don’ts for parents when the conflict arises:

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10 Ways to Pay for College Without Incurring Debt

pay for college

Debt from college tuition has skyrocketed over the last several years. Parents and students are weighing their ROI (return on investment) before making their college choices. As college costs have shot up, so has student debt. How can you pay for college without incurring debt?

According to the latest Quarterly Report on Household Debt and Credit, outstanding student loan debt stood at $1.58 trillion in the fourth quarter of 2021, an $8 billion decline from the third quarter. About 5 percent of aggregate student debt was 90+ days delinquent or in default in the fourth quarter; the lower level of student debt delinquency reflects a Department of Education decision to report current status on loans eligible for CARES Act forbearances. 

That’s the bad news. But if you’re a savvy consumer and research the costs before signing on the dotted line, you should be able to go to college without incurring debt. Zac Bissonnette, author of DebtFree U, is proof that it can be done. He graduated from college with zero debt.

Believe it or not, you may be able to graduate without debt if you use these 10 ways to pay for college:

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You Heard from the Colleges – Now What?


For seniors who applied regular decision, March brings those long-awaited college decisions: deferred, accepted, rejected, and waitlisted. One knowledgeable college counselor once told me, “I don’t like to call these letters of acceptance. I use the term—offers of admission.” As a parent, I like that distinction. This alternative wording makes it easier to stomach those not-so-pleasant responses and help your college-bound teen work through the gamut of emotions that come when decisions arrive.

Your student may be the one receiving these communications from the colleges, but you feel every emotion they do from failure to excitement and everything in between. But unless you understand what each term means, it’s hard to know how to help your student (and yourself) with appropriate responses and proper action.

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