Tag Archives: financial aid

Top 10 College Money Sites


Every parent frets, stresses and loses sleep over financing their college-bound teen’s college education. The good news is there is help available out there to ease your mind and get you on the right track to preparing for that day when your teen heads off to college. Here’s a list of my Top 10 College Money sites:


1. Reduce My College Costs–Marc Hill, CCPS, RFC® and founder of Reduce My College Costs, LLC. is both a financial planner and a parent, who know what you are going through. That’s why he created his firm to be a little different. It is not a scholarship search firm and not a student loan lender. He is well-versed in the financial aid process, but he knows not everyone is eligible for financial aid. So he takes a broader approach-identifying a variety of solutions that will make college more affordable for people at all income and asset levels.

2. FinAid–gives an overview of all types of college funding from scholarships, to loans, to savings, to military aid, to loans with links and information on each of them.

3, Saving for College–A top notch site explaining in great detail all the in and outs of college savings with calculators and tax information.


4. UPromise–A college savings service that harnesses the purchasing power of parents, extended family, family, and students to make it easier to pay for college. Members direct their spending to Upromise partners-including more than 600 online stores, 8,000+ restaurants, thousands of grocery and drugstore items-and earn money for college.

5. CollegeAnswer–Sallie Mae’s money management site gives an overview on college financing focusing on loans. The site provides a great School Affordability Analyzer.


6. CNN Money/College–A great site for the latest college financing news, calculators and how to maximize your financial aid.


7. MSN Money/College–A guide to saving for college with The Basics, Fast Answers and a message board.


8. CollegeBoard–The College Board’s EFC calculator which will help you determine your Expected Family Contribution BEFORE your teen starts applying to colleges.


9. Money Management 101–A blog created to help parents and students learn about money management.


10. StudentAid–A site for free information from the U.S. Department of Education and the home of the FAFSA4caster.

In the News: College Week Live's Spring Fair

collegeweekliveThis week, parents and college-bound teens can attend College Week Live’s FREE virtual college fair online. On March 24-25 from 10AM-10PM you can:

  • Meet hundreds of colleges live & pick the perfect university
  • Get admissions questions answered in real time
  • Hear expert advice on test prep and application essays
  • Discover new ways to pay for college
  • Video Chat With Students on 75+ College Campuses

If your schedule doesn’t permit you to attend, you can still log on and view the archived videos at your convenience. Make sure you and your student sign up and mark your calendars for two days of comprehensive college information gathering virtual events.

In the News: Students struggle to repay student loans


I came across an article on WalletPop in their Money College section by a recent college graduate. Pop over there and read her student loan story and make sure you are sitting down when you do:

One student’s losing battle with private student loans

Those student loans are tempting. Here’s the rationalization that sucks in many college students:

  1. You don’t have to pay them back until you graduate.
  2. The interest rates are usually lower than regular loans.
  3. Once you graduate, there’s a grace period (allowing you time to get a job).
  4. Almost EVERY student has some sort of student loan debt.
  5. If you can’t pay it back, you can always file for bankruptcy.
  6. They let you consolidate so your payments will be affordable.

All of those statements have some truth in them to some degree. However, it is EXTREMELY important that every college-bound student understand these truths:

  1. The interest usually accrues while you are in college (unless it’s a subsidized loan).
  2. Private loan rates are higher than federal student loan rates.
  3. Going into massive debt for an education is a BAD idea.
  4. Many student loans are not forgivable in bankruptcy.
  5. That grace period creeps up on your FAST!
  6. You may not land a job that pays enough to make those monthly student loan payments.

Parents–please counsel your teens on the downfalls of having tremendous amounts of student loan debt. Encourage them to be financially responsible and prudent when borrowing money for college. Those loans can shackle them for many years after college graduation.


50 College Info Websites


1. ParentsCountdowntoCollegeCoach.com–You will find the MOST information here on our blog: college guidance, college planning, college coaching, and college news. Come here first to find the latest and best tools to help you navigate the college maze.

2. UniversityParent.com–A site where parents can ask questions, gather information, and download and view college guides and campus newsletters.

3. Fastweb.com–An extensive scholarship search website with a massive database of scholarships, along with articles and helps designed specifically for parents.

4. Zinch.com–A free service for students and parents where students can showcase themselves, connect with colleges, and search for scholarships.

5. Cappex.com–A site created for students to help them simplify their college search, create a profile and search for scholarships.

6. MeritAid.com–The place to go to find merit scholarships and academic scholarships from colleges across the country.

7. SmartCollegeVisit.com–Created to provide information about college visits, help parents and students plan, and view personal accounts from both parents and students.

8. MyCollegeCalendar.org–Interactive college admissions counseling program designed for both high school students and their parents.

9. Scholarships.com–An extensive scholarship search engine that helps you search and schedule alerts for deadlines.

10. MyUSearch.com–An excellent blog with tips for parents and students about college; also provides college matching and scholarship searches.

11. FindTuition.com–Help finding money to pay for college, along with articles related to college financing.

12. EntrepreneurEdu.org–This is an excellent resource for students who are interested in colleges who offer entrepreneurial programs.

13. TutorsForTestPrep.com–An SAT expert and coach offering tips to help your college-bound teen improve their SAT/ACT scores.

14. Bookrenter.com–Rent college textbooks and save up to 75% over purchasing them new.

15. TheCollegeSolutionBlog.com–An excellent resource for college-bound teens and their parents: admissions, testing, and financial aid.

16. UniversityLanguage.com/blog–Great blog articles about everything related to college admissions geared toward students.

17. CollegeWeekLive.com–A virtual college fair that sponsors free LIVE events with archived presentations, student chats, and college booths.

18. BetterGrads.org–A network of college student peer advisers and a resource filled website presenting honest accounts of the college experience geared toward high school students.

19. Youniversitytv.com–Learn about colleges by watching video tours, chat with students on campus forums, post questions and get answers.

20. NYTimes-TheChoiceBlog–Demystifying college admissions and financial aid by providing articles and Q&A by experts in the field.

21. GreatCollegeAdvice.com/blog–An excellent resource about the college admissions process providing expert advice helping students map their college journey.

22. USNews.com/Education–The education channel of U.S. News and World Reports providing the latest news and information related to college.

23. Fafsa.ed.gov–The official government website for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid.

24. CommonApp.org–The common application site used by 400 colleges and universities across the country.

25. PrincetonReview.com–The best value colleges list for public and private institutions across the country.

26. NCSASports.org–The college recruiting site for athletes.

27. FairTest.org–The site for the National Center for fair and open testing providing information about colleges who do not use the SAT/ACT for admissions decisions.

28. SallieMae.com/plan–A FREE education investment planner that will help determine college costs, compare college costs, and provides information about student loan repayments.

29. UPromise.com–UPromise partners return a portion of eligible purchase money back to you. Those earnings accumulate in your Upromise account until you decide to use it to invest in a 529 plan, help pay down eligible student loans or assist with college expenses—all tax-free!

30. SavingForCollege.com–Everything you need to know about financing a college education.

31. CollegeBoard.com–It’s here you’ll find the CSS Profile application (required by many private colleges), register for the SAT, and read articles about planning for college.

32. CollegeBasics.com–An excellent resource for information about college essays, college applications and high school resumes.

33. InsideHigherEd.com/blogs–Several different blogs related to higher education.

34. CollegeXpress.com–A search site that groups colleges in categories and provides college “hot” lists (i.e. top college for late bloomers, colleges for students needing a second chance)

35. ECampus.com–Find textbooks, sell textbooks, search for college supplies and college apparel all on this one site.

36. TheRealCollegeGuide.com–Four blogs about college life: the dorm, lifestyle, academics and heath and fitness.

37. DesignYourDorm.com–A free online, interactive resource for designing and organizing your college-bound teen’s dorm room.

38. CollegeAdmissionsPartners.com/blog–An expert blog dedicated to helping students find the right college.

39. GradeFund.comStudents invite their friends and family to sponsor their drive for good grades. Sponsors choose grade levels and sponsorship amounts for each grade (as low as $5) to help students raise money for their college education.

40. CollegeParentCentral.com–A blog created to give parents useful information about college and the college admissions process.

41. Number2.com–Free online test prep (SAT/ACT) with vocabulary exercises and help.

42. VolunteerMatch.org–Find local volunteer opportunities for your college-bound teen and teach them about the importance of giving back to their community with the added bonus of adding that service to their high school resume.

43. KnowHow2Go.com–A college planning site for college-bound students providing helps and aids from middle school to senior year: interactive and fun!

44. BeRecruited.com–If you have a teen that’s a student athlete, they can create an online profile here and help colleges and coaches find them and be recruited.

45. FinAid.org–An excellent resource for the answers to all your questions regarding college financial aid.

46. TheCampusBuzz.com–An online clearinghouse for national college news; find all the college news in one place!

47. BigFuture.collegeboard.org–A planning tool to help parents and students get ready for college.

48. CollegeFocus.com/colleges–A virtual clearinghouse of blogs related to college life, parenting, college searches, etc.

49. Word-nerd.com–An PSAT/SAT vocabulary prep tool.

50. YourCollegeKid.com–A site with parent forums and other college prep tools.

How to raise $15,000 for college


A few weeks ago I attended a virtual college event at CollegeWeekLive. I was impressed with the simplicity of the information and wanted to pass it along to all my readers who might not have had the opportunity to attend. This particular session was conducted by Kim Clark, staff writer for U.S. News and World Reports. She outlined some simple steps to raise $15,000 for college:

  1. Up to $2500 from Uncle Sam–via tax credits (Hope and Lifetime Learning Credit)
  2. Child labor–put your teen to work at a summer job ($8 an hour x 40 hours a week for 9 weeks=$2880)
  3. Student loans–Stafford Loan ($5500 max per year at 7%); after student leaves college can sign up for payments based on their income (less than 15%)
  4. Family savings–cut teen to occassional driver and save $; food bills will decline; stop subsidizing entertainment (food and insurance can =$300-$400 a month)
  5. Scholarships and grants–leverage grades, test scores, athletics, arts for merit-based grants; apply for local scholarships
  6. Friends and relatives–ask for college fund contributions instead of presents
  7. Corporate sponsorship–some employers subsidize education for employees and families; UPromise
  8. Reduce college expenses–reduce dorm costs (share with other students); watch meal plans; buy used textbooks or rent; earn cheaper credits at community college, AP classes or dual credit classes; sell student’s car (won’t need one at college)

The bottom line: $15,000 or MORE! Here’s how it all adds up:

  1. Tax break-$2500 per year
  2. Student loan-$5500 per year
  3. Student job-$3000 per year
  4. Parent savings-$4000 per year
  5. Relatives-_____ (fill in blank)
  6. Scholarships-____(fill in blank)
  7. Corporate sponsorship-____(fill in blank)
  8. Reduction in college expenses-_____(fill in blank)

By piecing together all these separate components, there is no limit on how much you can raise for college costs. At the very least you can raise $15,000, at the very most, the sky is the limit!

You can check out U.S. News and World Reports education section: Paying For College for more information and tips.

Paying for College

collegeweekliveToday is CollegeWeekLive’s FREE online event that will answer many of your questions about paying for college.  They have taken the time to gather all the experts and bring the information to you in the comfort of your own home. Sit down with a cup of coffee and watch, listen and chat while they give your their tips on financial aid, scholarships and financing.

Straight from College Week Live’s email:

Would you like to talk live with representatives of the US Dept of Education, Office of Federal Student Aid office about the new Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form and federal financial aid options? Want to speak with an expert from US News & World Report about tracking down cash for college? Would you like to find scholarships or get advice from college financial aid officers?

Get all this and more at CollegeWeekLive PAYING FOR COLLEGE on January 14th from 3:00 – 10:00 PM Eastern. Register for free and login this Thursday to speak live with this all-star cast of financial aid and scholarship experts!

3:00 PM Eastern How to Raise $15K for College Right Now
Kim Clark, Staff Writer, US News & World Report
3:30 PM Eastern How to Tap Into $11 Billion in Merit Scholarships
Chris Long, President and Chief Operating Officer, MeritAid.com
4:00 PM Eastern Elks National Foundation Scholarships
Kristen Scaletta, Programs Relationship Associate, Elks National Foundation
4:00 PM Eastern Money for the Student Athlete
Dion Wheeler, Author: “Sports Scholarship Insider’s Guide”
4:30 PM Eastern The Scholarships.com Program
Kevin Ladd, Vice President, Scholarships.com
5:00 PM Eastern Finding Money: A Guide To Financial Aid
Featuring Martha Savery, Director of External Relations, MEFA
7:00 PM Eastern Funding Your Education: Expert Tips to Navigate the Financial Aid Process
Adam Essex, Senior Project Manager, US Dept of Education, Office of
Federal Student Aid
9:00 PM Eastern Ask a Financial Aid Officer
Financial Aid Officers For Hawaii Pacific University and University of Alaska Fairbanks

Visit the Scholarships.com booth on the Financial Aid floor for more scholarship information and live chat!

Don’t forget about the CollegeWeekLive scholarships: Click here for more information!

  • $1,000 scholarship for the student of a parent who registers and attends CollegeWeekLive PAYING FOR COLLEGE
  • $3,000 scholarship for a student who registers and attends any 2010 CollegeWeekLive event prior to March 31, 2010

You don’t want to miss this FREE resource. Set your alarms, your watches, your smartphones and your Outlook calendars. See you in cyberspace!

Ready. Set. Go.

The 2008-2009 school year is coming to an end. Seniors will be graduating and moving on to college, technical school or trade school. Juniors will officially be seniors with a busy year ahead of them before walking across that stage next May or June. Senior year is NOT the time to coast, relax and develop senioritis. It’s the time to get all your ducks in a row and start a timeline for college planning. Here’s some suggestions from experience that might help.


  1. Start refining your college list by viewing college tours online and deciding which schools you would like to pursue further by visiting and requesting an admissions interview.
  2. Do some online practice tests of the SAT and/or ACT to determine your weaknesses. Spend time over the summer studying and improving your vocabulary, math skills and essay skills.
  3. Start writing your application essays and refining them so they will be ready for submission.

Continue reading Ready. Set. Go.

An Ivy League School Steps Up

harvard_u_shieldHarvard University has adopted a new financial aid policy. It’s geared toward reaching out to families who are considered middle-low income ($180,00-$60,000). And if you’re in the low end (below $60,000)–hold on to your socks–your child can attend at no cost! That’s right; an Ivy league education FREE OF CHARGE.

According to President Drew Faust:

Our new financial aid policy has dramatically reduced the amount families with incomes below $180,000 are expected to pay, and parents of families with incomes below $60,000 are not expected to contribute at all to college costs. We no longer consider home equity as a resource in our determination of a family contribution, and students are not expected to take out loans, which have been replaced by need-based Harvard scholarship. This new program has reduced the cost to middle income families by one-third to one-half, making the price of a Harvard education for students on financial aid comparable to the cost of in-state tuition and fees at the nation’s leading public universities.

What’s the catch? Your child has to be accepted. But if you have an honor student who has the grades and can meet their admission criteria, my advice to you is to GO FOR IT! With the cost of education rising every year, Harvard has taken the lead by offering this amazing opportunity and making their school affordable to the middle class. They are even claiming that the graduating class of 2008 is graduating with ONLY an $8300 debt. Considering the cost of a Harvard education, that’s a remarkable claim.

What have you got to lose? A $200,000 private university education completely PAID IN FULL. I don’t know about you but I wish it had been available when my kids were applying for financial aid and scholarships. It would have eased the burden and provided a much-needed financial savings.

You can read all about the offer by clicking this link:

Harvard College Financial Aid Office