Tag Archives: finding roommates for college

Using Facebook to Jumpstart your Collegiate Experience


As parents, you may not quite completely understand the utility of Facebook. Even when I was in high school, I thought that the friends of mine who were on the earlier social networks like My Space were just plain silly. However, when I matriculated to pursue an undergraduate degree, Facebook was just starting to take off throughout the world, and I cannot begin to describe how using the social network made inserting myself into a vibrant social world so much easier. If your child is on the cusp of going to college for the first time, here are a few useful ways to employ Facebook and make that college transition easier.

  1. Find people who will be living in your dorm. As soon as you get that letter informing you which building and room you will be living in, you can be sure that there has already been a Facebook group created with your dorm’s name on it. Running a search of your dorm building is a great way to find people who may already live there, find the roommate your school selected for you, and it’s also fun to become friends and begin chatting with other matriculating freshmen who are just as excited as you are.
  2. Find housing and furniture if you are no longer living on campus. If you do not intend on living on campus your first year, or if you have completed your first year and want to try moving off-campus, Facebook is a great way to find both new roommates, a new house or apartment for lease, and some cheap used furniture. Facebook Marketplace is helpful, but sometimes just looking through college groups or friends’ and acquaintances status can be just as effective. The way I found my off-campus living and roommates was simple. I scrolled through my news feed, randomly found that an acquaintance had found a 3 bedroom apartment but needed one more housemate. After a few days I was living in a wonderful apartment with two friends. That beats going through a realtor to find off-campus living!
  3. Keep up with events happening on campus. If you join a group that is associated with your school, or if you “like” your university’s official page, then often you will be updated on your news feed if any interesting events happen on campus. This way, you don’t have to rely on fliers or word-of-mouth to attend events where you can have fun, be involved with your campus community, and meet new people.
  4. Join study groups. Once you’ve begun to get in the swing of things academically, it will be likely that someone in a few of your classes will have started a Facebook group for that class. If so, joining it, or starting a group yourself, can reap many benefits. For one, you can organize study groups more easily, you can discuss class material in a forum format, and you can borrow notes or books if you happen to miss class.

These are just a handful of ways that you can use Facebook to enhance your first few weeks and months in college. Remember, Facebook was founded by college students for college students. If you use Facebook for anything, use it to become more acquainted with your college and fellow students.


This guest post is contributed by Barbara Jolie, who writes for online classes.  She welcomes your comments at her email Id: barbara.jolie876@gmail.com.