Tag Archives: giveaway

Everything Changes When Your Child Turns 18

child turns 18
Image by Mahmud Shoeb from Pixabay

The transition from childhood to adulthood happens at the stroke of midnight on your child’s 18th birthday. They may not know how to boil water and they still bowl with bumpers, but in the eyes of the government, they are a full-fledged grown-up with all of the rights, privileges, responsibilities, and consequences for their actions that you have. Everything changes when your child turns 18.


Fortunately, there is a solution to help you and your child navigate this transition. 

I have been telling you all about the Back to School Bundle, which is chock full of resources and solutions for parents of teens and college students. If you haven’t checked it out, you might be missing out. Not only will you get some great parent products at a very low price, but you will also be automatically entered in a giveaway!

Continue reading Everything Changes When Your Child Turns 18

Saturday Giveaway: Parents Countdown to College Crash Course


With competition for college becoming more intense and the college admissions officers looking at each application and analyzing its merits, it makes sense to give your college-bound teen Parents Countdown to College Crash Course ($147 value) to one lucky parent.


I created the Parents Countdown to College Crash Course because:

        • College admissions is becoming increasingly competitive
        • By college’s own admission, the process is entirely subjective
        • If you wait until senior year, you will in panic mode
        • Your teen is just one in thousands of college applicants
        • Without help, you will get lost in the college maze
        • School counselors simply don’t have the time to advise

WORKBOOK NOTEBOOKWhat you can expect from my Parents Countdown to College Crash Course:

  • A step by step guide through the college admissions process—walking you through the process in a way that every parent can understand
  • Supportive templates and worksheets to help you stay organized and on top of college deadlines
  • Directions on where to go to find the experts in every facet of the college admissions process—and how to get their help for FREE!
  • How to help your teen choose the right college—the college that fits him/her perfectly
  • Tips on how to make your college-bound teen appealing to their top choice college
  • Everything you ever need to know to understand financial aid and how to leverage that knowledge to your advantage
EXPERT-LINKS-CDThat’s great you say; but at what cost?

Here’s an excerpt from a recent New York Times article:

No test or licensing is required to offer such services, and there is no way to evaluate the counselors’ often extravagant claims of success or experience. And Ms. Duff’s asking price, though higher than many, is eclipsed by those of competitors who may charge upwards of $40,000 —more than a year’s tuition at many colleges.

Believe me, I couldn’t afford that kind of money when I was helping my kids with the college process, and I’m sure you can’t either.

top-website-picksBUT, if I had found someone that offered everything I needed in one CRASH COURSE for a FRACTION of the cost of those high-priced counselors, I would have JUMPED at the BARGAIN!

For ONE all-inclusive price you will receive:

  1. An EbookParent College Coaching 101 (guiding you through the step by step process of college admissions).
  2. A workbookwith Templates and Worksheets to compliment the instructions in the Ebook.
  3. Expert Link Listclickable links to EVERY expert in the field of college admissions.
  4. Whitepapers-collectionWhitepapersA compilation of my articles and blog posts (categorized) specifically addressing college admission issues.
  5. My Top Website picksThese are sites that are PACKED with FREE information and tips about the college admissions process.

Don’t make the mistake of being unprepared and scrambling around senior year trying to help your college-bound teen apply to colleges. Be a smart parent and prepare in advance. The best time to start with the college prep process is the 8th grade. But if you’re running behind, my Crash Course will help you catch up!
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Giveaway: Backblaze Online Backup


backblazeWhen I attended Blogher13, I stopped by a booth promoting an online backup service: Backblaze. I liked what I heard and wanted to try the service. After returning home, with coupon code in hand, I began backing up my laptop; something I had never done before. I should have known better, especially as a self-imposed geeky type, but we all think it will never happen to us–the inevitable computer crash. I have to confess it’s happened to me before and my computer was not backed up. So you imagine my excitement when I got the opportunity to test drive this product.

What do I like about it?

It runs in the background after initial installation and you don’t have to worry about it. You can schedule it to automatically backup or you can manually do it when it’s convenient (although I would not recommend this option–you might forget to do it!). The best thing about it is that it’s not being backed up to a physical hard drive, but is encrypted and sent to an external server that you can access from your computer or any mobile device. Your data is always accessible.

Locate My Computer

Another perk of this backup program is it allows you to locate your computer. Why would you need that option–how can you lose your computer? Consider this scenario. Your college-bound teen heads off to college with his new trusty laptop. Two opportunities might arise that he might need the “locate my computer” option. Forgetful as they are, students have been known to walk off and leave their computers. It happens. Or their laptop or computer might get stolen out of their dorm room and with this perk, you can locate it’s whereabouts using the “map this” option, and download all files before it’s ever recovered. This could save you thousands of dollars of replacement cost and stressful nights and days over papers, class notes, pictures and other documents stored on the computer.



Backblaze is providing me with a coupon code for one year of backup service to one lucky parent or student. Just enter the giveaway below as many times as you like to increase your chances.

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NatureBox Care Package Giveaway


Sign up for my FREE parent tips email and get my FREE Ebook on college financing!

It’s back to school time and your kids or college students will be snacking. Whether it’s at lunch, after class, or during study sessions you want them to eat healthy and not gorge on junk food. Nature Box has the perfect solution with their array of healthy snacks.nature box3


If you are looking for a healthy snacking alternative Nature Box has you covered and they have given me this sumptuous box of treats to give away to one of my lucky readers. If you are looking for a great care package for your college student, this is it! Or if you want to put some healthy snacks in your kid’s lunch, you can’t miss with the snacks included in this box!

nature boxWho is NatureBox and how can you benefit from their products?

Discover a Healthier You

NatureBox helps you eat healthier without needing to change your eating habits. We focus on snacks because that’s the easiest habit to change. Do you know that the average American eats almost 25% of their calories from snacking? In fact, snacking is the leading cause of childhood obesity. NatureBox helps you get more out of your day without wasting calories on the bad stuff.

natureboxFood You Can Trust

Every NatureBox item is carefully sourced and nutritionist approved. Everything inside your NatureBox will be guilt free so that you can feel great about what you’re eating. You can trust that our products will be made from the most wholesome ingredients and will be minimally processed, if at all.

It’s Risk Free!

Each box costs just $19.95 and shipping is always free with NatureBox. You can pause or cancel anytime, and we’ll happily issue a refund if you’re not 100% satisfied.

Together, We Give

NatureBox works with WhyHunger to solve the problems of hunger and poverty, while working to make more nutritious food available to everyone. Aside from making donations to WhyHunger, we also donate our healthy snacks directly to WhyHunger partners, including community-based organizations, emergency food providers and summer meal programs for low-income children.

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