Tag Archives: may 1 deadline

Looking toward college decision day

college decision day

The middle of April is here and students who have been accepted to college are weighing their options and finalizing their choice on or before college decision day. Since this is a life decision and a difficult choice for you and your student, these five tips can help you make that final college choice.

Revisit every college on the list

You can’t know if a college is a good fit without visiting it. Even if you’ve already visited before you were offered admission, revisiting brings a new perspective. Can you see yourself there? Do you fit in with the student body? Does it feel like your new home for the next four years? Revisit with these questions in mind. If you didn’t visit before you apply, this visit is crucial. Never choose a college sight unseen!

Take a hard look at the financial awards

For many students, it comes down to “showing the money”. Compare financial aid awards side by side and use them to weigh your decision. If a college offers admission but doesn’t back it up with financial aid, you should consider a college who did. Why? Because offering aid is a sign of how badly the college wants you to attend.

Determine what your deal-breakers are

Every student has those deal-breakers: Greek life, a specific major, a dorm amenity, location, alumni network and others. A college that doesn’t have that one item on the list, might not be the college for you.

Connect with current students and alumni again

If your student is still unsure, it might help to connect with current students and/or alumni. This group can provide an honest assessment of the college and campus life. Your student can ask questions of each group and will most likely receive an honest answer (one that isn’t on the tour or in the college brochure).

Listen, discuss and decide

Once you and your student have compared colleges, revisited campuses and looked at financial aid, it’s time to listen and discuss. Talk through the decision-making process and voice any concerns either of you might have. Remember–listening is key. Don’t force a college on your student if he’s “just not feeling it.” There’s usually a reason.

The May 1st deadline does put pressure on students to make a decision, especially if there is more than one college that is in the running. You can always use the old trick–flip a coin for heads or tails and whichever your student hopes it lands on that’s the college to choose!

10 Things to Do After National College Decision Day


NATIONAL COLLEGE DECISION DAYIt’s that time of year again. May 1 is approaching and for parents of seniors it’s THE DAY that their student’s hard work is finally realized. National College Decision Day is the day your student has to decide which college they will attend. For some, it will be an easy decision. For others, like my daughter, it will be an excruciating one.

My daughter waited until the last minute—the very last minute—to decide. She was torn between two very similar colleges: one in her home state of Texas and one thousands of miles away in Massachusetts. Both offered the same financial aid, the same course curriculum, the same campus setting, and Greek life (#1 on her list). The final dealmaker was location. She had always wanted to attend college in Boston and that’s what tipped the scale.

Once your student has decided which offer of admission to accept, it’s time for celebration. It’s a time to look ahead, savor all the hard work, and prepare for the next few months. Here are ten things you should do after the decision is made:

  1. Prepare for buyer’s remorse

Even if your son or daughter is sure about their college choice, buyer’s remorse will set it at some point during the next few months. It’s that overwhelming feeling that perhaps they choose the wrong college or made the wrong decision. It’s that feeling that perhaps they don’t want to leave home after all because of a) their friends, b) their boyfriend or girlfriend, or c) they are terrified to be on their own. Don’t react, just listen. They have to work through their anxiety.

  1. Plan for orientation-both student and parents

It’s time to get the calendar out and look at student/parent orientation dates. This is one event neither you nor your student want to miss. Parents learn valuable information at orientation and students make much-needed connections with other students. Orientation will help your student ease into college life and help you cope as they make the move from home to independent living.

  1. Keep looking for scholarship money

You may have a financial aid package in line, but you should never stop looking and applying for scholarships. College is expensive and even those $500 awards will add up. All throughout college your student should continue applying for scholarships.

  1. Prepare for fall registration

It’s time to pour over the course catalog and academic requirements. Check out the college’s AP policies, which vary quite a bit from college to college. Your child still has time to sign up for May or June SAT II tests in preparation for fall registration. Official scores for these tests, however, will need to be sent to the college so they will have them on record when registering for classes.

  1. Expect your emotions to be all over the place

By the end of the summer, you may be counting the days until your teenager leaves for college. Typically they become moody, argumentative and begin exerting what they feel is logical independence. There will be times when you wish they were already gone, and times when you wish they would never leave. It’s a whirlwind of conflicted emotions and every parent experiences them. Just as your student is working through this life change, you are coming to grips with it as well.

  1. Book parents weekend now

This may sound like crazy advice, but if there’s one thing you do in this list—do this. Hotels fill up quickly for parents weekend, along with rental cars. Expect to pay higher than normal hotel prices because these dates happen every year and the hotels book quickly. If you are flying to the college or taking a train, book that part of the travel early as well.

  1. Look at the calendar and plan for holiday travel

If your student has to fly home or take a train, look at the academic calendar and book travel for them. Waiting until the last minute may leave your student stranded on campus or force you to pay high prices for a last minute ticket.

  1. Go shopping, but don’t overbuy

Scope out the area around the college for chains like Bed Bath and Beyond, Target or The Container Store. You can order online and arrange to pick up when you arrive at college. Wait until you know the layout of the room and your college student has had a conversation with their roommate. This will alleviate duplicate purchases and overbuying items that aren’t dorm essentials. Remember, these are “small” spaces. You and your student may be tempted to go crazy with the bling, but it’s better to wait until move in day for that.

  1. Schedule a family vacation

If possible, schedule a family vacation. It may be the only time you see your son or daughter before they leave for college. They will be bulking up on friend time, significant other time, and anything away from their parents and the family. It’s normal; they are preparing for separation.

  1. Have a serious money talk

Once the college decision is made, it’s time to reiterate what you expect them to contribute to their education financially and what you expect from them academically since you are also contributing a significant amount toward this education. Begin budgeting for expenses and discussing how they will pay for essentials during the year: either through a job or by you providing them with a monthly stipend.