A parent’s job is to raise children who can function independently in the adult world. But getting them to that stage can be a challenge. In the modern age, we don’t have a rite of passage, so to speak, so young people often coast into adulthood, without actually ever getting there. What’s more, there are more pressures on mental health than ever before.
North Kansas City Schools highlights the issue in full. It points out that kids’ mental health was bad before the pandemic because of things like substance abuse, depression, bullying and exam stress. COVID-19 has made that worse by adding to the angst and fear. For many kids, restrictions have been in place for as long as they can remember, and they are wondering whether it will ever change.
Parents, though, don’t have to sit idly by and watch their children’s mental health deteriorate. Instead, they can take action right now. Here’s what to do:
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