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Money Saving Tips for College Students


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saving moneyMost college students don’t need a reminder that the school year is almost here. With the great a stressful class load, social life, and well-being it can be easy to lose track of your finances. Don’t let the school year make a dent in your wallet. Use the following money saving tips.

  • Make a Budget

Making a budget is an important first step to start saving money. Start tracking how much money you spend on bills and necessities and how much money you have to spare. Find a reasonable amount of money that you can afford to set aside and start a savings account.

  • Get Organized

Believe it or not, being organized can save you a lot of money because it makes it easier to keep track of items. Create an easy-to-remember organizational system to keep things in their proper place to make them easy to find.

  • Do More Walking

Take advantage of the weather, whenever possible by walking instead of driving. Not only is walking a great form of exercise, but it also is a free means of transportation. Take more relaxing walks this school year!

  • Sell Your Books

Get rid of the textbooks you no longer need by selling them to fellow students who are studying the same subject. Utilize word of mouth, social networks and pin boards around campus to let others know that you are selling your books. Also check with your school bookstore and textbook websites to see if they offer money for old textbooks.

Start preparing for the upcoming semester by looking online to find cheap textbooks and different textbook options such as digital textbooks or rentals.

  • Get a Job

The school year is actually an excellent opportunity to get a job or internship that can help pay for your schooling or jump start your career. Start early and look for opportunities online, through social networks or through your campus career center.

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