Today’s guest post is a from a company called Webjets who offers an organization and productivity tool that can be used by soon-to-be college students and college students. The author, Vladislav Khaustovich, is a student at Penn State College & University
I decided to write this article to support an outstanding platform that helps people to organize everyday tasks and data and which helps me personally as a college student to work with a big amount of information. The name of the platform is Webjets.
I first learned about Webjets from my former supervisor at Starta Accelerator where I did an internship and where Webjets was accepted as one of the most promising startup companies from Europe.

Here are the features that make Webjets unique:
Ability to see all the tasks at once
The first thing that caught my attention in this application was its simplicity and the ability to retrieve information quickly. I have always been looking for this kind of platform where I could create tasks and find them right away after opening the platform. It’s something difficult to do when it comes to all kinds of calendars and task managers. You have to scroll them up and down, search for a required piece of information among tons of others, and click many different buttons. Annoying stuff… While all these applications pretend to be simple, Webjets is just built to be simple.

I started using Webjets as a tool to write down my everyday tasks and what I liked about thisplatform is that when I log in, I instantaneously see all my tasks in one place. I can embrace them all in once without the need to scroll, click, and swipe anything else. It’s similar to using a physical whiteboard. Still, the whiteboard is limited by its dimensions while Webjets is not.
Organizing collected information in a convenient way
Usually, it takes a good amount of time to collect and organize the information for any college project. Webjets makes both processes simpler. For example, let’s assume you’re working on a project which goal is to explain major movements in modern art and you decide to use Microsoft Word for this purpose. You start writing down the information and at some point, you realize that you have too many links and way too much information in your Word document (and it happens all the times). You start reorganizing the information by copying, deleting, pasting and erasing stuff. You go to links that you pasted into your document and try to paraphrase the information and then to paste the new, reorganized pieces of information in your document. It consumes a lot of time. You get tired quickly. In Webjets, everything is much simpler. You can drag pieces of information all around the board. You can view a short summary of the links that you decide to include in your project. You can also show and hide automatic images associated with these links to make the navigation simpler.

Make to-do lists and save important information really fast
For many students, college life is like: “Wow, this stuff is so interesting, I’d love to go deeper, but there is still so much work to do.” Webjets is a good solution when it comes to creating to-do lists. For example, you can create a number of different boards and assign each of them to the courses you take. When you encounter any important or interesting information in the course that you would like to review later, you can quickly create a note or drop a link in Webjets to make sure everything is under your informational control.

There are tons of other ways how Webjets may be used, but what I’ve mentioned above are just those features that I found helpful for myself.
In the end, I want to thank Webjets team for its understanding and responsiveness. Besides numerous questions that I kept asking the people from Webjets, I was also surprised by how quickly they fixed the issue that seemed annoying to me. I just sent them a message on Facebook and they fixed it in the next few days.
I encourage everyone who is still using calendars, task managers, and all kinds of note-taking apps to go to Webjets and see how this amazing app can make your life easier!