Tag Archives: saving money

Saving Money While Living Off campus

saving money

Have you been thinking about some of the things that you can do when it comes to saving money while living off campus? There are plenty of options here that you can consider. In this article, we’re going to be looking at a few tips that will always help you to save money when it comes to your off campus home, so keep reading down below if you would like to find out more. 

Grocery Shopping

The first thing that you are going to save money on is your grocery shopping. If you are only ever buying named brands, why? Have you tried the cheaper alternatives? A lot of them taste just as good as the larger brands as they are made from the same things. We’re of course, not saying that this is always true, but even if there is a little taste variation, there is a huge price variation. The last thing that we want is for you to be spending money unnecessarily when there are cheaper options that you do actually like. If you try the alternatives and decide you don’t like them, that’s completely fair enough, but you have got to try them first. 

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Saving Money During College

saving moneyIf your child (or soon to be adult…) is off to college, then you could be worried about a few things. Are they going to fit in? Will they enjoy their experience away, or get homesick and struggle in their new city? Do they have enough knowledge about finances to get by? Well, we’ve spent a lot of time considering the latter question, so that you can be sure that your child is prepared when it comes to finances. Rest easy knowing that they’ve got it covered, by remembering these simple tips:

Teach them what you know

The reason that many kids at college struggle so much with finances, is because nobody has taught them how these things truly work. You don’t have to sit down and lecture your kids on this, but make sure you give them some tips in the months leading up to their big move to college. If they can’t cook breakfast and don’t know how to pay rent, they’re going to have some real problems. You can prevent all of this with a bit of advice, and it will go a long way, so show your child how to manage things like bills and rent (especially if they’ve been planning to eat cereal for every meal of the day…).

Use technology to budget

Helping your child to sort out a budget will be really useful to them, especially when they’re going it alone. The days of sitting down and trying to distinguish what you’ve spent, and where, are gone, and you no longer need to sit there with a pen doing the math for hours. Utilize the technology that is out there, and make sure your kids have the best money management app available. Your child probably spends a long time on their cell phone, and won’t forget about budgeting if it is right in front of them. We can’t promise that, but it’s worth a shot.

Emphasize the importance of researching

Ok, we don’t mean academic researching here, but if they have the skills to do it, then why let it go to waste. Many college kids decide that they need something – and this could even be a textbook – and then just buy the first copy of it that they come across. Please, don’t let your child do this, when they could get second hand copies from places like eBay for a fraction of the cost. There are plenty of online stores that specialize in used books, and doing your research first could save you hundreds of dollars over the academic year. Research, research, and research again. You won’t regret it when your wallet shows you the benefits.

So, there we have it. Some simple tips to help you to help them, when it comes to sending your kids to college. Teach them everything you know about finances, bills and rent, use the latest technology to budget, and make sure that they research before they splash out on expensive resources. Good luck!

Money Saving Tips for College Students


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saving moneyMost college students don’t need a reminder that the school year is almost here. With the great a stressful class load, social life, and well-being it can be easy to lose track of your finances. Don’t let the school year make a dent in your wallet. Use the following money saving tips.

  • Make a Budget

Making a budget is an important first step to start saving money. Start tracking how much money you spend on bills and necessities and how much money you have to spare. Find a reasonable amount of money that you can afford to set aside and start a savings account.

  • Get Organized

Believe it or not, being organized can save you a lot of money because it makes it easier to keep track of items. Create an easy-to-remember organizational system to keep things in their proper place to make them easy to find.

  • Do More Walking

Take advantage of the weather, whenever possible by walking instead of driving. Not only is walking a great form of exercise, but it also is a free means of transportation. Take more relaxing walks this school year!

  • Sell Your Books

Get rid of the textbooks you no longer need by selling them to fellow students who are studying the same subject. Utilize word of mouth, social networks and pin boards around campus to let others know that you are selling your books. Also check with your school bookstore and textbook websites to see if they offer money for old textbooks.

Start preparing for the upcoming semester by looking online to find cheap textbooks and different textbook options such as digital textbooks or rentals.

  • Get a Job

The school year is actually an excellent opportunity to get a job or internship that can help pay for your schooling or jump start your career. Start early and look for opportunities online, through social networks or through your campus career center.

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Scoring FREE stuff on campus

Everybody like freebies. Taking advantage of all the freebies that are given away on campus to college students is a MUST. Teaching your kids to watch for them is all part of being an effective parent college coach.. Why pay for something when it’s available for FREE?

By Lauren Joffe for The Real College Guide

It’s no urban legend: Free stuff is doled out on college campuses all the time. But it’s up to you to scout out where to find these complementary goods. From pizza to plane tickets to straight-up cash, we show you what you can get and how to score it … so keep reading.


Free Entertainment
Get tickets to concerts, sporting events, art exhibits, theater openings, forums and lectures.

How to score: Use your student ID card as an all-access pass. Every campus has a student union building, and if you’re unfamiliar with it, we suggest you become acquainted, since it’s plastered with bulletin boards announcing free upcoming events for students.

Free Food
Get free pizza, soda, snacks or breakfast, depending on the time of day.

How to score: Attend club meetings. “If you look in your student building and sign up for all the listservs, you will know when clubs and residence halls are giving away free food,” says New York University sophomore Doreen Naor. “With breakfast, you can basically always get muffins and coffee, and for real meals, most clubs give out pizza.” Join three clubs that meet weekly, and you’re looking at three regularly scheduled meals.

We also like CampusFood.com, where you can play online games that earn coupons for your next restaurant visit. A few clicks at a mindless computer game, and you can have yourself a free meal. Not too shabby!

Free Cash
Earn hard cash (typically from $5 to $10 for about an hour of your time — could be up to $100). No taxes taken out, no checks.

How to score: Participate in a focus group or study, which typically requires very little effort, such as filling out an easy survey. Head over to the campus psychology building, where you’ll find volunteer recruitment flyers.

Focus group companies pay more for your input. If your school is in a metropolitan area, check out focus group centers in need of college student participants. Go to FindFocusgroups.com to scope out opportunities near you.

Free Swag
Pick up product samples, coupons, gift certificates and other giveaway items, including iTunes cards, DVD players and even airline tickets.

How to score: “All you have to do is open your eyes and pay attention,” says NYU junior Annie Baer. “There are always people giving away free things [on campus].” Marketing companies often hire student reps to hold major promotions that often include giveaways and contests on college campuses. Next time you see a student rep giving out samples, ask if the campaign offers any other giveaways.

Note: You can get updates about sponsored events and contests directly from the source. By becoming a Facebook fan of brands or products you like, you can get automatic updates about big promotions and giveaways, and be the first to know about any contests they might be hosting.