I spent some time today surfing. Not at the beach (I never learned to surf after living on the Gulf for over 30 years). I was surfing around doing some “follow the yellow brick road” path. I like to call it that because one link, leads to another, leads to another and you find an Emerald City at the end! That’s the great thing about following links: you never know where they will take you and what adventures you will have along the way.
These are the jewels I found today. I couldn’t help but pass them along to all my parent readers (and fans!):
This is an amazing website for college planning. It’s interactive and tons of fun. It’s not your typical boring college information site. It’s a fun place to start the search for middle schoolers with schedules and tips all the way through high school. Whaz up dudes and dudettes…check this one out! (I know I’m not hip but I try)
Wow. This is NOT your avearage college tour site. This one has moxy and some genuine off the wall creativity. There are video tours that ROCK, a message board, cool 3D maps, games, career videos and ways to connect with other college students. Check this one out and get in the “mood for college”!
I had to plop one in just for the parents. This is the BEST, I said BEST, site for everything you want to know about financing that college education but were afraid to ask. Remember guys: DENIAL is NOT a river in Egypt. Knowledge is power. The more you know the more prepared you will be. So take a deep breath and jump in!
As my daughter would say…”cool beans”. This is a site where you can find and be found by colleges, scholarships and other college programs. A GREAT networking site and a place to connect and set up an online presence.
This site is Twitterific! Yes, I did say that. Keep up with college life on Twitter: students, colleges, faculty, clubs, and more. Stay on top of the latest college and student news via all the great Twitter links. And, there’s an option to “follow all” if you are so possessed. Whew…I’ll just follow…EVERYONE!

No “yellow brick road” search would be complete without unearthing a scholarship. And this one is a great one. Here is how you enter to win…Submit a creation that shares with us what you want to achieve in your personal and professional life after college. Your entry can be a photograph, collage, poem, drawing, painting, graphic design piece, short typed explanation, or anything YOU can create in an image! Your entry should communicate: This is how I “Frame My Future.”
That ends my search for today. I think I can safely say I found the “Emerald City” because every one of those links can take your teen closer to their dream of a college education.
But right now, I’m OFF TO SEE THE WIZARD!