Tag Archives: scholastic are and writing awards

Scholarships Friday: Scholastic Art and Writing Awards


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It’s never too early to start applying for scholarships. Today’s feature scholarship is the perfect example. If you have a creative college-bound teen in 7-12 grade this is one scholarship they can apply to early. Wouldn’t it be great to have $10,000 under your belt before they ever enter high school?

Ninety-one years ago, Maurice R. Robinson, the founder of Scholastic Inc., designed the Awards to provide students who are accomplished in the arts with the same honors as their athletic classmates.

scholastic are and writing awards

Today, the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards is the country’s longest-running, most prestigious recognition initiative for creative teens, partnering with over 60 colleges and universities to make more than $8 million in scholarships available to winning high school seniors. Every year, 15 high school seniors win the highest possible honor, the Portfolio Gold Medal, in addition to a $10,000 scholarship. This year, a 16th Portfolio Gold will be awarded, thanks to the program’s generous donors who provided additional funds in honor of the program’s 90th year.

The Scholastic Art and Writing Awards call for submissions is now open and students in grades 7-12 can submit their art and writing for consideration. In doing so, they can join a roster of famous alumni including Andy Warhol, Robert Redford, Sylvia Plath, Zac Posen, and Lena Dunham, all of whom received Scholastic Awards when they were teens. Further details can be found in their call for submissions. Click here to learn the rules, guidelines and submission deadlines for each category.