Tag Archives: standardized test cheating

Student Cheating: An Epidemic?

The Washington Post published a blog article a few days ago, “The Cause of Standardized Test Cheating and How to Stop It” citing these disturbing statistics:

FairTest has documented confirmed cheating cases in 30 states and the District of Columbia in just the past three academic years. Hardly a week, or a day, goes by without a reminder that the mounting evidence of cheating in cities and states across the nation shows no signs of abating. Sadly, neither does the damage caused by the standardized testing mania that underlies the cheating scandal, as explained in a new FairTest fact sheet.

As parents, we need to look at the underlying cause BEHIND the cheating. Is there too much pressure to test well? Are students not taught throughout their lives that cheating is wrong? Has the invention of technology made it easier to cheat?

Here’s an infographic that outlines cheating and it just doesn’t happen in high school and college. Sobering–to say the least

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