When I come across a product or service that can benefit parents and students during the college admissions process, I like to pass it along. StatFuse.com is a FREE service to help in choosing a college.
StatFuse allows students to create a free account where they can calculate their chances to colleges (through the “Chanculator”), find recommendations to colleges, track their progress to specific colleges, and much more. Parents can now plan their students’ future properly with the help of these tools while saving money on applications and other unnecessary fees.
This company was launched by two Southern California students, Jeet Banerjee & Supan Shah (ages 19 & 17) who wanted to help their fellow students solve some of the problems they faced as high schoolers. These young entrepreneurs developed the algorithm and innovative tools offered on the website and are focused on keeping this website free so that it is accessible to all students.
When asking the co-founders what their plans in the future for this company were, they simply said: “Our goal is to let every high school student and parent know about our product and how they can benefit from it.”
While StatFuse is beneficial in the college process, it’s important for parents and students to remember that statistics may predict your chances, but the human factor is also important. Choose your college wisely: using statistics, preferences, academics and future goals.