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Why study or improve your level of English?


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englishFurther to our recent article highlighting the benefits of studying a foreign language, we thought it logical to next discuss the importance of learning English. It is after all, the most widely used language today, both socially and in the working world. It is hardly surprising then, that a high level of English is highly sought after by employers in an increasingly competitive and international work market. As a native English speaker, be it in the US, UK or Australia for example, it is often easy to take for granted our English speaking and writing capabilities. Is your fluency in English as good as it could or should be? As for non-native speakers, English is most commonly studied as a second language. Education systems around the world now place greater emphasis on the teaching and learning of English from an early age, not just as a subsidiary subject, but as essential as mathematics or science.  This article will seek to answer some of the most important issues when it comes to studying English, and to hopefully convince you that it´s never too late to get out those books and start learning something new!

The Benefits

Okay so we´ve already touched on this, but why else should you learn English? In simple terms, English is a truly global language. Let´s have a look at the figures… According to the British Council, English is the first language of approximately 375 million, while it is believed that around 750 million speak it as foreign language. One in four of the world´s population has at least a basic command of the language, and this is growing.

Of course there are benefits attached with learning any language, as discussed in our previous article. Specific to English however, it allows native speakers to consolidate and improve their current level, and perhaps even lead to a future career in English teaching. After all, the demand for such profession is huge and often lucrative. Nowadays it is not just enough to write in your CV “Fluent in English”. Employers want proof. For assistance in gaining an English qualification, you can take an IELTS course at an English language school in England. Such courses are also recommendable for those learning English as a second language, as visiting and learning in an English-speaking country (where better than London, England?) is one of the best things you can do to improve your fluency. This brings us neatly on to…

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